Go to Sharm El Sheikh. It's really nice there.Where is best to go in egypt for young couples?
I would say go to Na'ma bay in Sharm el shiekh. It is the liveliest town there with plenty to do and the most night life. Plenty to do in the day and at night.Where is best to go in egypt for young couples?
Hurghada is very nice and i suggest to Visit www.redseahome.com
they are providing holiday apartment instead of Traditional expensive hotel
good luck
Marsa Allam - All the beaches are coral beaches
Good luck in your choice and welcome
i think u have 2 Visit Sharm el shieghk %26amp; Hurgada %26amp; Marsa matrouh That is amazing
sharm el shek
suma bay
Friday, November 25, 2011
Give an opinion about these famous real and fiction couples.See their pics.What can u say about their relation?
http://www.flickr.com/photos/39403054@N0鈥?/a>Give an opinion about these famous real and fiction couples.See their pics.What can u say about their relation?
The man is taller....that's about it.
The man is taller....that's about it.
What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?
I read that Catholicism does not condemn homosexuality, but believes that all people should practice celibacy outside of marriage. How do they define celibacy, and what behaviors are allowed, such as dating or non-intimate physical contact?What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?
You are essentially correct. The Catechism of the Catholic church (official teaching ) says THIS:
#2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
#2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
#2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
So I take this to mean that they are expected to live their lives like any non-married person. They can have genuinely close relationships but should not make them physical, especially sexual.
The Catholic church does not preach that it is a right nor a necessitity that EVERYONE gets married and has sex. You see the Catholic church holds celibacy and chastity as HIGHER callings then normal married life.
Priests don't marry so they can FULLY focus on God and the congregation.
Single, unmarried people are expected to do the same, essentially. Stay celibate and focus on the community and the congregation. Finding how their gifts can best be given in service to the community at large.
This is what I take to mean ';Christian perfection'; - a life of unselfish service, devoted to God.
That is MY interpretation of the Catechism and what I've read on www.catholic.com
Non-intimate physical contact is OK. I'm not sure about ';dating'; though, as that would denote an EXCLUSIVE relationship, most likely. It would tempt most people and most likely blurr the line for them, making it even harder then being purely celibate. -- I would imagine.
But every person is different.
Definitely marrying and having a sexual relationship would be bad.
In decades past, the Church THOUGHT that becoming a Priest would reduce or eliminate those feelings within a man. But the church has recently woken up to the fact that the Priesthood and celibacy is hard enough as it is, without bringing homosexual tendencies into it. So that is why, recently, the Church no longer allows homosexuals to become Priests..out of respect for how hard it is to be a Priest and gay at the same time.
They use to think God alone was enough to eliminate those feelings, but now have a more prgamatic approach to it.
Misty0408 pretty much hit the nail on the head. BOTH single heterosexuals, homosexuals, and even married heterosexuals are not suppose to engage in fantasy or masturbation, or any kind of lust.
Married heterosexuals may have sex with their spouse, but that's the main difference. ALL Christians are not suppose to be lustful, so the concept is consistent, if nothing else.
I'm not trying to convet you to the Catholic way of thinking, just trying to do my best as an average Catholic to EXPLAIN the concepts to you.What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?
HOMOSEXUALITY - In general, some form of sexual relationship among members of the same sex. From a moral standpoint, three levels are to be distinguished: tendency, attraction, and activity. Homosexual tendencies in any person are within the normal range of human nature, whose fallen condition includes every conceivable kind impulse that with sincere effort and divine grace can be controlled. Sexual attraction for members of the same sex may be partly due to the peculiar make-up of certain individuals or, more often, the result of indiscretion or seduction and presents a graver problem; yet this, too, is not by itself sinful and may in fact be an occasion for great supernatural merit. When the condition is pathological, it requires therapy. Active homosexuality is morally indefensible and has been many times forbidden in revelation and the teaching of the Church. The most extensive declaration on the subject was the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by Pope Paul VI on November 7, 1975.
CELIBACY - The state of being unmarried and, in Church usage, of one who has never been married. Catholicism distinguishes between lay and ecclesiastical celibacy, and in both cases a person freely chooses for religious reasons to remain celibate.
Lay celibacy was practiced already in the early Church. The men were called ';the continent'; (continentes) and women ';virgins'; (virgines). They were also known as ascetics who were encouraged to follow this form of life by St. Paul. According to the Apostle, ';An unmarried man can devote himself to the Lord's affairs, all he need worry about is pleasing the Lord . . . In the same way an unmarried woman, like a young girl, can devote herself to the Lord's affairs; all she need worry about is being holy in body and spirit'; (I Corinthians 7:32, 34). Throughout history the Church has fostered a celibate life in the lay state. Towering among the means of sanctity available to the laity, declared the Second Vatican Council, ';is that precious gift of divine grace given to some by the Father to devote themselves to God alone more easily with an undivided heart in virginity or celibacy. This perfect continence for love of the kingdom of heaven has always been held in high esteem by the Church as a sign and stimulus of love, and as a singular source of spiritual fertility in the world'; (Constitution on the Church, 42).
Ecclesiastical celibacy was a logical development of Christ's teaching about continence (Matthew 19:10-12). The first beginnings of religious life were seen in the self-imposed practice of celibacy among men and women who wished to devote themselves to a lifetime following Christ in the practice of the evangelical counsels. Celibacy was one of the features of the earliest hermits and a requirement of the first monastic foundations under St. Pachomius (c. 290-346). Over the centuries religious celibacy has been the subject of the Church's frequent legislation. The Second Vatican Council named chastity first among the evangelical counsels to be practiced by religious and said that ';It is a special symbol of heavenly benefits, and for religious it is a most effective means of dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the divine service and the works of the apostolate' (Decree on the Up-to-date Renewal of Religious Life, 12). (Etym. Latin caelibatus, single life, celibacy.)
Celibacy is not having sex. However, I can imagine that holding hands and kissing, say at the sign of peace, would be frowned upon. I believe you are misconstruing what the Church says. The Church doesn't condemn homosexuals, but I think homosexuality has sex between the same sex understood.
misty's got it right.
I have a hard time imagining Losasha is a former nun. What order?
Celibacy includes chastity. Being chaste means not engaging in any sexual activity, or things that can lead to sexual activity. We are all to be chaste, keeping our mind and bodies pure. Jesus says that if you lust in your mind you have committed the act.
Homosexuals are not to engage in sexual activity, masturbation or fantasy. Heterosexuals are not to engage in sexual activity outside of marriage, masturbation, or fantasy about other people other than your spouse.
Celibacy means refraining from sexual contact. It doesn't mean engaging in foreplay with the intention of ';not going all the way';. Two homosexuals could be friends just as an unmarried man and woman could be.
The Catholic Church does indeed condemn acts of homosexuality...the definition of celibacy is ';friendship only';. The church does not condemn the homosexual persons -- just engaging in the acts of it.
Father Flanigan takes little Johnny to summer camp.
a manly handshake and a friendly pat on the backside for scoring a goal
longing glances.
Christians do not advocate any form of abominational activity-----therefore----Catholicism is no exception----
You are essentially correct. The Catechism of the Catholic church (official teaching ) says THIS:
#2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
#2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
#2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
So I take this to mean that they are expected to live their lives like any non-married person. They can have genuinely close relationships but should not make them physical, especially sexual.
The Catholic church does not preach that it is a right nor a necessitity that EVERYONE gets married and has sex. You see the Catholic church holds celibacy and chastity as HIGHER callings then normal married life.
Priests don't marry so they can FULLY focus on God and the congregation.
Single, unmarried people are expected to do the same, essentially. Stay celibate and focus on the community and the congregation. Finding how their gifts can best be given in service to the community at large.
This is what I take to mean ';Christian perfection'; - a life of unselfish service, devoted to God.
That is MY interpretation of the Catechism and what I've read on www.catholic.com
Non-intimate physical contact is OK. I'm not sure about ';dating'; though, as that would denote an EXCLUSIVE relationship, most likely. It would tempt most people and most likely blurr the line for them, making it even harder then being purely celibate. -- I would imagine.
But every person is different.
Definitely marrying and having a sexual relationship would be bad.
In decades past, the Church THOUGHT that becoming a Priest would reduce or eliminate those feelings within a man. But the church has recently woken up to the fact that the Priesthood and celibacy is hard enough as it is, without bringing homosexual tendencies into it. So that is why, recently, the Church no longer allows homosexuals to become Priests..out of respect for how hard it is to be a Priest and gay at the same time.
They use to think God alone was enough to eliminate those feelings, but now have a more prgamatic approach to it.
Misty0408 pretty much hit the nail on the head. BOTH single heterosexuals, homosexuals, and even married heterosexuals are not suppose to engage in fantasy or masturbation, or any kind of lust.
Married heterosexuals may have sex with their spouse, but that's the main difference. ALL Christians are not suppose to be lustful, so the concept is consistent, if nothing else.
I'm not trying to convet you to the Catholic way of thinking, just trying to do my best as an average Catholic to EXPLAIN the concepts to you.What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?
HOMOSEXUALITY - In general, some form of sexual relationship among members of the same sex. From a moral standpoint, three levels are to be distinguished: tendency, attraction, and activity. Homosexual tendencies in any person are within the normal range of human nature, whose fallen condition includes every conceivable kind impulse that with sincere effort and divine grace can be controlled. Sexual attraction for members of the same sex may be partly due to the peculiar make-up of certain individuals or, more often, the result of indiscretion or seduction and presents a graver problem; yet this, too, is not by itself sinful and may in fact be an occasion for great supernatural merit. When the condition is pathological, it requires therapy. Active homosexuality is morally indefensible and has been many times forbidden in revelation and the teaching of the Church. The most extensive declaration on the subject was the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by Pope Paul VI on November 7, 1975.
CELIBACY - The state of being unmarried and, in Church usage, of one who has never been married. Catholicism distinguishes between lay and ecclesiastical celibacy, and in both cases a person freely chooses for religious reasons to remain celibate.
Lay celibacy was practiced already in the early Church. The men were called ';the continent'; (continentes) and women ';virgins'; (virgines). They were also known as ascetics who were encouraged to follow this form of life by St. Paul. According to the Apostle, ';An unmarried man can devote himself to the Lord's affairs, all he need worry about is pleasing the Lord . . . In the same way an unmarried woman, like a young girl, can devote herself to the Lord's affairs; all she need worry about is being holy in body and spirit'; (I Corinthians 7:32, 34). Throughout history the Church has fostered a celibate life in the lay state. Towering among the means of sanctity available to the laity, declared the Second Vatican Council, ';is that precious gift of divine grace given to some by the Father to devote themselves to God alone more easily with an undivided heart in virginity or celibacy. This perfect continence for love of the kingdom of heaven has always been held in high esteem by the Church as a sign and stimulus of love, and as a singular source of spiritual fertility in the world'; (Constitution on the Church, 42).
Ecclesiastical celibacy was a logical development of Christ's teaching about continence (Matthew 19:10-12). The first beginnings of religious life were seen in the self-imposed practice of celibacy among men and women who wished to devote themselves to a lifetime following Christ in the practice of the evangelical counsels. Celibacy was one of the features of the earliest hermits and a requirement of the first monastic foundations under St. Pachomius (c. 290-346). Over the centuries religious celibacy has been the subject of the Church's frequent legislation. The Second Vatican Council named chastity first among the evangelical counsels to be practiced by religious and said that ';It is a special symbol of heavenly benefits, and for religious it is a most effective means of dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the divine service and the works of the apostolate' (Decree on the Up-to-date Renewal of Religious Life, 12). (Etym. Latin caelibatus, single life, celibacy.)
Celibacy is not having sex. However, I can imagine that holding hands and kissing, say at the sign of peace, would be frowned upon. I believe you are misconstruing what the Church says. The Church doesn't condemn homosexuals, but I think homosexuality has sex between the same sex understood.
misty's got it right.
I have a hard time imagining Losasha is a former nun. What order?
Celibacy includes chastity. Being chaste means not engaging in any sexual activity, or things that can lead to sexual activity. We are all to be chaste, keeping our mind and bodies pure. Jesus says that if you lust in your mind you have committed the act.
Homosexuals are not to engage in sexual activity, masturbation or fantasy. Heterosexuals are not to engage in sexual activity outside of marriage, masturbation, or fantasy about other people other than your spouse.
Celibacy means refraining from sexual contact. It doesn't mean engaging in foreplay with the intention of ';not going all the way';. Two homosexuals could be friends just as an unmarried man and woman could be.
The Catholic Church does indeed condemn acts of homosexuality...the definition of celibacy is ';friendship only';. The church does not condemn the homosexual persons -- just engaging in the acts of it.
Father Flanigan takes little Johnny to summer camp.
a manly handshake and a friendly pat on the backside for scoring a goal
longing glances.
Christians do not advocate any form of abominational activity-----therefore----Catholicism is no exception----
Is it true that the main two things all married couples fight about is sex and money?
I remember my Mom and Aunties always saying that from the time I was a teenager until now (I'm 28).
I understand fighting about money, but I've never understood why married couples fight about sex. Do they mean the man wants to have sex more than the woman so they fight? Or like if they're mad, the woman withholds sex from the man and they argue about it?
Please explain it to me. Guten Tag.Is it true that the main two things all married couples fight about is sex and money?
Yes, it is true that some married people fight over sex and money. I fight mostly with my husband about sex because it is the opposite instead of him wanting it, I am the one that wants to have sex and he keeps rejecting me.. Maybe it's the age difference, I am way younger then he is. Or he could be getting it from someone else. Oh well!!!!Is it true that the main two things all married couples fight about is sex and money?
Money is one of the main reasons in divorce lack of money causes familys to have to work more to try to pay bills and such but if there is a ton of money in a family you will hardly see them get divorced as they have more happiness and stress relieved off there shoulders but i dont think sex is a issue in divorces because if they are happy together of course there going to want to have sex more!
LOL! Great Question. I believe the two are true. Women spend money shopping without consulting the hubby and hubby party money or gamble and hide it until they are in debt. Now about the sex, well that goes both ways, men are always horny and when the wife is mad we as women do hold out because we can't just open wide without forgetting what just happened. Now, this rolls over to men cheating so that's why couples argue about ';MONEY %26amp; SEX'; either women won't open up and try new things so men result to outsiders.. Or some men just always need something extra. Hope this answered your quest.
Women do withhold sex, and who can be bothered w/ sex if you have no money. Sharing household chores is a biggie too.
Thats is true in my case, money and sex. Money problems create stress and in turn sex becomes an issue.
Yep. One person always wants it more than the other one does. Or one person ';withholds'; in order to ';punish'; the other person. Sex is a tool, a weapon if you will, in marriage sometimes. Sad, but true.
I've been married 3 times. We've never argued about sex. It's either been money or communication.
Money and sex aren't THE most important things in a marriage, but they're right up there at the top of the list. I believe that most couples need to be on the same page in both categories. If the woman wants sex 4-5 times per week and a man is content with 2, or vice versa, there is going to be frustration. I'm tired of the stereotype that women hold out on giving sex to men and that it's women that aren't in the mood. There are men out there that can take it or leave it too if you allow them to get lazy.
I think it's what most married people fight over but i think there are other causes to .money means power and sometimes .The sex gets with held because for some spouse that the only thing they have control over in there relationship and with holding sex feel like you have power.one controls the money and the other control the sex.but what it comes down to you both lose,because you both should be controlling things together.
It's not always the man that wants more... Oh, there's a third thing to fight about: kids
Not in our case. The main thing we have always fought about is housework (specifically my lack of interest in it) .
I actually think money is #1.
arguments over money and sex have been the ruin of more marriages than cheating
in most of the family ,if the wife in dependent on her hubby.fighting will be their in this case..but this fight will come as a big issue if it continous.
ohhhhh let me come to sex,r aunt / uncle fight for sex..... its not abnormal..if a guy is not satisfied he may look for a new girl to satisfy him..girl fight to a guy for sex,its a tendency of a human being to fight for sex.but the fight indirectly says that tthey are fighting for sex...only the couple can understand..unsatisfies sex or no sex between couples will lead to fight
I have never fought with my wife over sex. It's always been over money.
I've been married almost 25 years and I think sex and money covers 95% of the fights we have had. It was probably money more often than sex.
Guten nacht!
Mismatched libidos KILL a relationship.
Those women that ';use'; sex to control their men are just born with low libidos so they can actually go without sex themselves.
I think a lot of people (men especially) ASSUME marriage = sex whenever I want it. Sure it works for animals in heat but the human race is just a step up in mentality.
THIS is why you MUST have a long detailed discussion about sex expectations with your partner PRIOR to engagement!
Sounds about right. Sometimes women (men do it too!) withhold sex when they're pissed off. Sometimes, they just don't have the same sex drive they used to. Who ever decided they aren't getting enough usually ends up hurt and pissed off and fight with their spouse about it!
Money is a big one.
Sex, I honestly think is often manifests from other problems in the relationship that affect sex. Wife is unhappy for some reason, so she withholds. Or vice versa. Or someones unhappy and it affects their drive/enthusiasm.
No one just wakes up and decides they dont want to have sex anymore.
Though differing sex drives can be a frustration and cause insecurities - I don't think thats as major as not getting any, or sex being used as a tool to get needs met.
Funny. I never thought that we would ever fight about sex. But that is one things we have tiffs about. It's basically what you said ';man wants to have sex more than the woman';. Our ';wanting it'; times never match up.
That sounds right to me.
i would tend to disagree
id say they fight about money and external influences such as friends and family
id say fighting about sex becomes a secondary issue that becomes forefront when the other big issues are not being dealt with because sex will take the backburner when ur not feeling up to par and stressed out, but its other major life issues that are causing the sex to become an issuepimple
I understand fighting about money, but I've never understood why married couples fight about sex. Do they mean the man wants to have sex more than the woman so they fight? Or like if they're mad, the woman withholds sex from the man and they argue about it?
Please explain it to me. Guten Tag.Is it true that the main two things all married couples fight about is sex and money?
Yes, it is true that some married people fight over sex and money. I fight mostly with my husband about sex because it is the opposite instead of him wanting it, I am the one that wants to have sex and he keeps rejecting me.. Maybe it's the age difference, I am way younger then he is. Or he could be getting it from someone else. Oh well!!!!Is it true that the main two things all married couples fight about is sex and money?
Money is one of the main reasons in divorce lack of money causes familys to have to work more to try to pay bills and such but if there is a ton of money in a family you will hardly see them get divorced as they have more happiness and stress relieved off there shoulders but i dont think sex is a issue in divorces because if they are happy together of course there going to want to have sex more!
LOL! Great Question. I believe the two are true. Women spend money shopping without consulting the hubby and hubby party money or gamble and hide it until they are in debt. Now about the sex, well that goes both ways, men are always horny and when the wife is mad we as women do hold out because we can't just open wide without forgetting what just happened. Now, this rolls over to men cheating so that's why couples argue about ';MONEY %26amp; SEX'; either women won't open up and try new things so men result to outsiders.. Or some men just always need something extra. Hope this answered your quest.
Women do withhold sex, and who can be bothered w/ sex if you have no money. Sharing household chores is a biggie too.
Thats is true in my case, money and sex. Money problems create stress and in turn sex becomes an issue.
Yep. One person always wants it more than the other one does. Or one person ';withholds'; in order to ';punish'; the other person. Sex is a tool, a weapon if you will, in marriage sometimes. Sad, but true.
I've been married 3 times. We've never argued about sex. It's either been money or communication.
Money and sex aren't THE most important things in a marriage, but they're right up there at the top of the list. I believe that most couples need to be on the same page in both categories. If the woman wants sex 4-5 times per week and a man is content with 2, or vice versa, there is going to be frustration. I'm tired of the stereotype that women hold out on giving sex to men and that it's women that aren't in the mood. There are men out there that can take it or leave it too if you allow them to get lazy.
I think it's what most married people fight over but i think there are other causes to .money means power and sometimes .The sex gets with held because for some spouse that the only thing they have control over in there relationship and with holding sex feel like you have power.one controls the money and the other control the sex.but what it comes down to you both lose,because you both should be controlling things together.
It's not always the man that wants more... Oh, there's a third thing to fight about: kids
Not in our case. The main thing we have always fought about is housework (specifically my lack of interest in it) .
I actually think money is #1.
arguments over money and sex have been the ruin of more marriages than cheating
in most of the family ,if the wife in dependent on her hubby.fighting will be their in this case..but this fight will come as a big issue if it continous.
ohhhhh let me come to sex,r aunt / uncle fight for sex..... its not abnormal..if a guy is not satisfied he may look for a new girl to satisfy him..girl fight to a guy for sex,its a tendency of a human being to fight for sex.but the fight indirectly says that tthey are fighting for sex...only the couple can understand..unsatisfies sex or no sex between couples will lead to fight
I have never fought with my wife over sex. It's always been over money.
I've been married almost 25 years and I think sex and money covers 95% of the fights we have had. It was probably money more often than sex.
Guten nacht!
Mismatched libidos KILL a relationship.
Those women that ';use'; sex to control their men are just born with low libidos so they can actually go without sex themselves.
I think a lot of people (men especially) ASSUME marriage = sex whenever I want it. Sure it works for animals in heat but the human race is just a step up in mentality.
THIS is why you MUST have a long detailed discussion about sex expectations with your partner PRIOR to engagement!
Sounds about right. Sometimes women (men do it too!) withhold sex when they're pissed off. Sometimes, they just don't have the same sex drive they used to. Who ever decided they aren't getting enough usually ends up hurt and pissed off and fight with their spouse about it!
Money is a big one.
Sex, I honestly think is often manifests from other problems in the relationship that affect sex. Wife is unhappy for some reason, so she withholds. Or vice versa. Or someones unhappy and it affects their drive/enthusiasm.
No one just wakes up and decides they dont want to have sex anymore.
Though differing sex drives can be a frustration and cause insecurities - I don't think thats as major as not getting any, or sex being used as a tool to get needs met.
Funny. I never thought that we would ever fight about sex. But that is one things we have tiffs about. It's basically what you said ';man wants to have sex more than the woman';. Our ';wanting it'; times never match up.
That sounds right to me.
i would tend to disagree
id say they fight about money and external influences such as friends and family
id say fighting about sex becomes a secondary issue that becomes forefront when the other big issues are not being dealt with because sex will take the backburner when ur not feeling up to par and stressed out, but its other major life issues that are causing the sex to become an issue
What are good strip clubs in/near central virginia for couples? Willing to travel to get to one.?
Are you looking to take your boyfrind to one?
How many married couples would like to swap or have a threesome?
i'm not married but i am in a long term relationship, and we would like threesomes bu t with girls, i dont know if you are one or not..
Why do unmarried couples want to see each other more at night than day?
DUH they work..Why do unmarried couples want to see each other more at night than day?
The 'magic' happens mostly at night if you know what I mean. hehehehehe.
The 'magic' happens mostly at night if you know what I mean. hehehehehe.
Are there movies that have asian woman and black men couples?
yes there is!!!! there is a movie called hair show with Monique in it.....it's kind of an old movie but it has a chinese women and black man that are dating and married!!!
How have pisces and sagittarius relationships worked out, for those couples that are these signs?
so, how did you guys end up? as a fling, a friendship, a marriage? would you like to share? =)How have pisces and sagittarius relationships worked out, for those couples that are these signs?
Astrology is superstition at best. It is all liesHow have pisces and sagittarius relationships worked out, for those couples that are these signs?
Pisceans are WAY too sensitive for the Sagitarrians. They tend to blurt things out off the top of their head at times, then stick their foot in their mouth. Meantime, Pisces is in a ball of tears...
Personally, I never cared for Pisces people...........maybe I just never met the right people.
they compliment each other... i guess
Not good, not good at all. This was my experience. I had read somewhere (and I should have listened) before entering into the relationship that ';while pisces awaits her knight in shining armor'; ';Sagittarius would be more likely to ride past on his white horse and splash her with mud';. This was indeed my experience.
Astrology is superstition at best. It is all liesHow have pisces and sagittarius relationships worked out, for those couples that are these signs?
Pisceans are WAY too sensitive for the Sagitarrians. They tend to blurt things out off the top of their head at times, then stick their foot in their mouth. Meantime, Pisces is in a ball of tears...
Personally, I never cared for Pisces people...........maybe I just never met the right people.
they compliment each other... i guess
Not good, not good at all. This was my experience. I had read somewhere (and I should have listened) before entering into the relationship that ';while pisces awaits her knight in shining armor'; ';Sagittarius would be more likely to ride past on his white horse and splash her with mud';. This was indeed my experience.
Do most elderly couples have sex? why is it hardly ever heard of? is it a taboo subject?
I'm sure they do but who wants to hear about it lol:)Do most elderly couples have sex? why is it hardly ever heard of? is it a taboo subject?
I agree with your first answerer. Of course we have sex but think about it, who wants to get a visual of to old farts having sex. My father sired me at the age of 58 years old. Why do you think they make Viagra?Do most elderly couples have sex? why is it hardly ever heard of? is it a taboo subject?
I don't know if you'd consider us elderly, but my 54-year-old girlfriend and I are still burning the frigging house down worthy of any porn movie.
It is because us ';Elderly'; no what discretion means
God I can't like...talk about this.pimple
I agree with your first answerer. Of course we have sex but think about it, who wants to get a visual of to old farts having sex. My father sired me at the age of 58 years old. Why do you think they make Viagra?Do most elderly couples have sex? why is it hardly ever heard of? is it a taboo subject?
I don't know if you'd consider us elderly, but my 54-year-old girlfriend and I are still burning the frigging house down worthy of any porn movie.
It is because us ';Elderly'; no what discretion means
God I can't like...talk about this.
What do gay couples need to get married in massachusets?
The same laws and procedures that govern opposite-sexl marriage also apply to same-sex marriages. There are no special procedures for a same-sex marriage.
All persons who wish to be married in Massachusetts must have a marriage license issued within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Out-of -State marriage licenses cannot be used in Massachusetts.
The couple must apply in person for a marriage intention application. This requirement applies to both residents and non-residents.
There is a (3) three day waiting period to receive your license. License is valid for (60) sixty days from the day you originally file and may be used in any city or town within the Commonwealth. This license cannot be used outside of this state. A waiver of the (3) three day waiting period can be applied for at the city or town clerk's office where you apply and then presented to a court of competent jurisdiction for approval.
Any person filing in Massachusetts who has been married and is divorced does not have to file divorce papers, but that individual's divorce must be FINAL at the time of the application date.
Federal Statutes requires the collection of Social Security numbers (SSNs) at the time of application.
When either person is under (18) eighteen years old, a court order must be obtained from the probate court or district court where the minor resides. The parent must accompany the under age person along with the eligible person to the court prior to filing for the license. In Boston, proof of age is required if under the age of (24) twenty-four. For proof of age, a certified birth record or passport is required.
A Priest, Minister, Rabbi or a Justice of the Peace may perform the ceremony. A Justice of the Peace does not require witnesses to the ceremony but some religions may require witnesses so you should contact such person before the ceremony so that requirement can be met.
The person who performs the ceremony of marriage must sign the license and return it to the city or town where it was issued. That is the only place where the license will be registered.
Out of State clergy may perform the ceremony here provide that an authorization has been obtained from the Secretary of States Office prior to the ceremony. The marriage license will not be registered unless the required authorization is enclosed with the license.
All persons who wish to be married in Massachusetts must have a marriage license issued within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Out-of -State marriage licenses cannot be used in Massachusetts.
The couple must apply in person for a marriage intention application. This requirement applies to both residents and non-residents.
There is a (3) three day waiting period to receive your license. License is valid for (60) sixty days from the day you originally file and may be used in any city or town within the Commonwealth. This license cannot be used outside of this state. A waiver of the (3) three day waiting period can be applied for at the city or town clerk's office where you apply and then presented to a court of competent jurisdiction for approval.
Any person filing in Massachusetts who has been married and is divorced does not have to file divorce papers, but that individual's divorce must be FINAL at the time of the application date.
Federal Statutes requires the collection of Social Security numbers (SSNs) at the time of application.
When either person is under (18) eighteen years old, a court order must be obtained from the probate court or district court where the minor resides. The parent must accompany the under age person along with the eligible person to the court prior to filing for the license. In Boston, proof of age is required if under the age of (24) twenty-four. For proof of age, a certified birth record or passport is required.
A Priest, Minister, Rabbi or a Justice of the Peace may perform the ceremony. A Justice of the Peace does not require witnesses to the ceremony but some religions may require witnesses so you should contact such person before the ceremony so that requirement can be met.
The person who performs the ceremony of marriage must sign the license and return it to the city or town where it was issued. That is the only place where the license will be registered.
Out of State clergy may perform the ceremony here provide that an authorization has been obtained from the Secretary of States Office prior to the ceremony. The marriage license will not be registered unless the required authorization is enclosed with the license.
How would i go about selling my eggs to infertile couples or medical science?
im healthy young female...How would i go about selling my eggs to infertile couples or medical science?
to marivn!
you sound like a c. ock!
men have donated sperm for cash for years! but when a women wants to do the similar its wrong! you make me laugh..
and to answer the question you can't sell them in the uk but donating them would be wonderfulHow would i go about selling my eggs to infertile couples or medical science?
your more than welcome x
E Bay
If you are in the UK you cannot sell your eggs. You can donate them, but you wont get paid, only for expenses and time off work etc.
Do a google search and you will find loads of fertility clinics looking for donors
Don't, please, it's immoral, and even if it wasn't, you can't trust the facilities who you sell them to, besides, what if you want to have children later in your life?Please think about it more.
In the USA, you can donate (NOT sell -- that is illegal) your eggs at fertility clinics in practically any city. They will want proof that you are healthy, and not on any medications, don't have hereditary diseases that run in your family -- even if you don't have the disease, you could be a carrier -- so you will need to sign a number of release of information forms.
If your donation is for research, and they accept you, (unlikely, see below) that's the end of it. They just put you under a mild sedative and do a day-surgery to harvest as many ripe eggs as possible.
If your donation is to infertility clinics, there are counselling sessions and so on, to ensure that you are really psychologically able to accept one or more of your own eggs, growing to be a child, in another woman's body. Some women think they can, but really, can't, and get very possessive later. That's more common with surrogate mothers, obviously, but it's amazing how attached many women are, to their eggs!
You're much more likely to be accepted for either, if you already have a couple of kids, and are married, or in a stable relationship. They don't like to mess with the ovaries of childless women.
The age/demographic window for egg-donation is very small: they don't want eggs from anyone who has not had a couple of healthy children, they don't want eggs from women under 21, and are very unliklely to accept eggs from any woman over 30. (Research labs are a little more flexible, but not much. This involves surgery, so it is very expensive to them, and they rule people out much more often than they rule people in.)
Now, if you want to SELL them, see the black market, and I hope you have white skin. There isn't a black market for brown babies.
Broke, huh?
Moral void, huh??
to marivn!
you sound like a c. ock!
men have donated sperm for cash for years! but when a women wants to do the similar its wrong! you make me laugh..
and to answer the question you can't sell them in the uk but donating them would be wonderfulHow would i go about selling my eggs to infertile couples or medical science?
your more than welcome x
Report Abuse
E Bay
If you are in the UK you cannot sell your eggs. You can donate them, but you wont get paid, only for expenses and time off work etc.
Do a google search and you will find loads of fertility clinics looking for donors
Don't, please, it's immoral, and even if it wasn't, you can't trust the facilities who you sell them to, besides, what if you want to have children later in your life?Please think about it more.
In the USA, you can donate (NOT sell -- that is illegal) your eggs at fertility clinics in practically any city. They will want proof that you are healthy, and not on any medications, don't have hereditary diseases that run in your family -- even if you don't have the disease, you could be a carrier -- so you will need to sign a number of release of information forms.
If your donation is for research, and they accept you, (unlikely, see below) that's the end of it. They just put you under a mild sedative and do a day-surgery to harvest as many ripe eggs as possible.
If your donation is to infertility clinics, there are counselling sessions and so on, to ensure that you are really psychologically able to accept one or more of your own eggs, growing to be a child, in another woman's body. Some women think they can, but really, can't, and get very possessive later. That's more common with surrogate mothers, obviously, but it's amazing how attached many women are, to their eggs!
You're much more likely to be accepted for either, if you already have a couple of kids, and are married, or in a stable relationship. They don't like to mess with the ovaries of childless women.
The age/demographic window for egg-donation is very small: they don't want eggs from anyone who has not had a couple of healthy children, they don't want eggs from women under 21, and are very unliklely to accept eggs from any woman over 30. (Research labs are a little more flexible, but not much. This involves surgery, so it is very expensive to them, and they rule people out much more often than they rule people in.)
Now, if you want to SELL them, see the black market, and I hope you have white skin. There isn't a black market for brown babies.
Broke, huh?
Moral void, huh??
Do you think that there should be secrets between married couples ?
should married couples have secrets from each other or should they be completely open.Do you think that there should be secrets between married couples ?
Here we go.....
The only secrets married couples should have from each other is what they got each other for Christmas.
Other than that, secrets are the best way to end ANY kind of relationship that there is. I'm not saying one should divulge everything from their past that has no bearing on their life with their significant other. For instance, I don't think it's my husband's business who I may have dated before him, etc. Things like that are okay, as long as it doesn't come back to haunt you at a later time. If you've got a kid or 2 stashed somewhere that may come back into your life, I'm thinking that should not be a secret. Surprises like that could be pretty unnerving to your spouse, and ';Oops, I forgot to tell you about that...'; won't fix that broken spoke!
If a friend or a family member confides something to you and asks you not to repeat it, then that's a confidence, and if someone should ask, your answer to that should be, ';I was told in confidence, and if you want the answer to that question, you need to ask ______ about it. I would not betray a confidence about them any more than I would about you.';
Another scenario...my daughter came to me once and said a friend of hers had confided in her that she was considering killing herself. Of course, daughter came to me, I went to her friend's mother, and told her what was going on. That is when you betray a confidence, or a secret. When it might do harm to someone. Imagine how my daughter would have felt if she had kept that ';secret'; %26amp; her friend had committed suicide?
You get my drift here, I'm sure. No secrets...not good...don't do it.
Sh-h-h-h-h-hhhhhh....good luck!Do you think that there should be secrets between married couples ?
everyone is allowed to have secrets. I wouldnt tell my husband something confided to me in confidence.
Secrets about what's happening in their lives while they are married...no.
Secrets about things they done before meeting their spouse...yes.
There are some things that don't need to be shared.
They should be honest with each other.
Now, it doesn't mean that one can't have private thoughts, or a bit of space.
Still, you need to know that you're on the same page with your other half, and should something happen, you need to be able to vouch for your other half.
How could you if you two have secrets for each other?
I think it depends on the secret. If you want to keep you past love life (lives) a secret, I think that's OK. But if you are keeping a secret from your wife/husband that involves your marriage (i.e, cheating, blowing your savings on gambling or something dumb like, taking stuff of hers,) then you're wrong.
There are something that have nothing to do with, or before the current realtionship that I feel don't need to be said. They're irrellevant to it. But as soon as you start keeping secrets from you spouce becasue she/he will get pissed, that's what there could be problems.
HECK NO!!!! If there are secrets then why get married?????? No secrets in marriage at all.
they should be COMPLETELY open and honest. One lie leads to another and you get in a mess.....other way if they find out you been lying they loose trust in you
I think that couples should be open with each other. I think also that you should both have your own life as well as a life with each other. I like having my girlie friends i also have a couple of male friends my partner who i live with is the same. We love spending time with each other but we enjoy having time with our separate friends as well as friends together. I think that he probably has things that he speaks to his friends about that he doesn't tell me but i wouldn't class that as a secret.
There are certain things I believe that should be kept private, it's common courtesy. Kinda like closing the door when you're taking a dump.
why should i tell my hubby i cheated on him , with 3 of his best friends. why ruin their friendship. that would be evil. so in answer to your q . yes their should be
Honesty is the best, yet its ok to have little secreats, like spending too much at the mall, flirting with the ups guy at work.. etc..
Generally speaking no. But my mum had a secret bank account. I have often advised other women to do the same!
I personally believe that there should be no secrets b/w married couples. Everything should be honest and open.
You only tell what your spouse can handle with out blowing their lid..
Open, but, not abusively so.
As long as both members of the marriage are behaving appropriately, doing nothing to disrespect the institution of marriage nor their spouses, then there is no need for full disclosure. It is when a person hides his misbehavior behind the mask of his so-called right to privacy that problems arise.
There should be no secrets between a married couple my husband knows everything about me and I know every thing about him. We evern know about each others past before we meet each other. Being open and honest is best.
Depends on the secret.
I am completely honest and open with my fiance
We all have secrets. I say yes. However I don't' feel you should do things after you're married that would be secret. Having them before your married is one thing, creating them after and keeping them is another. I have one I'll tell I was busted with drugs at high school I was 17. I never smoked pot again. I never told my wife nor does anyone else that knows me now have a clue I got into that sort of trouble
White lies don't harm and size doesn't matter!!!??????!!!!
In most cases I think it should be very open and without secrets - but there are exceptions. If my husband had a one-nighter and it was a mistake - I don't want to know about it. If he fancies the pants of a girl at work, I don't want to know about it. However, I have no difficulty in him knowing the passwords for my emails etc if it makes him feel happy. We leave our mobile phones lying around and unlocked so we could theoretically check each others phones. Otherwise, I think secrets are unhealthy.
Depends on the secret.
If it's ';what he's getting me for my birthday'; then yeah, secrets are okay.
If it's ';that he's been hanging out in internet chat rooms and talking to people that he knows would upset me if I knew about it'; then no, secrets are not okay.
In general, I do not believe in secrets. However, if there is something in the past (before the spouse ever entered the picture) that does not affect the present relationship, I think sometimes it's better to leave some of that alone. Anything in the present that involves the spouse needs to be open and honest though. Confidences asked for from friends, however, should be respected if it doesn't involve the spouse.
Oh - secrets are always good....
Like how I threw away his ratty holy t-shirt and then pretended I didn't know what happened.
Like how I paid one of our bills late so I could get him a birthday present.
Like how I tell him his mother moving in with us someday won't be an issue when I secretly cringe a little inside....
Spose you mean the type of secrets that could bust them apart if they found out about them........?
Depends on the secret. If I have an awesome birthday present for him that I don't want him to know about, then I consider that a secret that's good to keep. If I've been going out to lunch with a man (example only), for whatever reason, and don't tell him about that, then I don't think that's a good idea. There are other more touchy situations, as well. Say, my best friend tells me something in complete confidence that doesn't affect my marriage whatsoever and has nothing to do with me, do I still tell my husband about it? Probably not. Why should he hear all the gory details of my friend's life? I think secrets should be considered on an individual basis, whether or not they are shared.
Yes, there should be secrets, especially the ones that will drive your spouse nuts, I keep my spending a secret. I believe you can keep a secret, if you know you're going get yelled at.
Most people would say no, but somethings are better off unsaid.
NO secrets at all!!! they will harm your relationship honesty is still the best for you.Try talking to your spouse and go from there you might be surprised what will happen if you r honest!! Good luck!!
Here we go.....
The only secrets married couples should have from each other is what they got each other for Christmas.
Other than that, secrets are the best way to end ANY kind of relationship that there is. I'm not saying one should divulge everything from their past that has no bearing on their life with their significant other. For instance, I don't think it's my husband's business who I may have dated before him, etc. Things like that are okay, as long as it doesn't come back to haunt you at a later time. If you've got a kid or 2 stashed somewhere that may come back into your life, I'm thinking that should not be a secret. Surprises like that could be pretty unnerving to your spouse, and ';Oops, I forgot to tell you about that...'; won't fix that broken spoke!
If a friend or a family member confides something to you and asks you not to repeat it, then that's a confidence, and if someone should ask, your answer to that should be, ';I was told in confidence, and if you want the answer to that question, you need to ask ______ about it. I would not betray a confidence about them any more than I would about you.';
Another scenario...my daughter came to me once and said a friend of hers had confided in her that she was considering killing herself. Of course, daughter came to me, I went to her friend's mother, and told her what was going on. That is when you betray a confidence, or a secret. When it might do harm to someone. Imagine how my daughter would have felt if she had kept that ';secret'; %26amp; her friend had committed suicide?
You get my drift here, I'm sure. No secrets...not good...don't do it.
Sh-h-h-h-h-hhhhhh....good luck!Do you think that there should be secrets between married couples ?
everyone is allowed to have secrets. I wouldnt tell my husband something confided to me in confidence.
Secrets about what's happening in their lives while they are married...no.
Secrets about things they done before meeting their spouse...yes.
There are some things that don't need to be shared.
They should be honest with each other.
Now, it doesn't mean that one can't have private thoughts, or a bit of space.
Still, you need to know that you're on the same page with your other half, and should something happen, you need to be able to vouch for your other half.
How could you if you two have secrets for each other?
I think it depends on the secret. If you want to keep you past love life (lives) a secret, I think that's OK. But if you are keeping a secret from your wife/husband that involves your marriage (i.e, cheating, blowing your savings on gambling or something dumb like, taking stuff of hers,) then you're wrong.
There are something that have nothing to do with, or before the current realtionship that I feel don't need to be said. They're irrellevant to it. But as soon as you start keeping secrets from you spouce becasue she/he will get pissed, that's what there could be problems.
HECK NO!!!! If there are secrets then why get married?????? No secrets in marriage at all.
they should be COMPLETELY open and honest. One lie leads to another and you get in a mess.....other way if they find out you been lying they loose trust in you
I think that couples should be open with each other. I think also that you should both have your own life as well as a life with each other. I like having my girlie friends i also have a couple of male friends my partner who i live with is the same. We love spending time with each other but we enjoy having time with our separate friends as well as friends together. I think that he probably has things that he speaks to his friends about that he doesn't tell me but i wouldn't class that as a secret.
There are certain things I believe that should be kept private, it's common courtesy. Kinda like closing the door when you're taking a dump.
why should i tell my hubby i cheated on him , with 3 of his best friends. why ruin their friendship. that would be evil. so in answer to your q . yes their should be
Honesty is the best, yet its ok to have little secreats, like spending too much at the mall, flirting with the ups guy at work.. etc..
Generally speaking no. But my mum had a secret bank account. I have often advised other women to do the same!
I personally believe that there should be no secrets b/w married couples. Everything should be honest and open.
You only tell what your spouse can handle with out blowing their lid..
Open, but, not abusively so.
As long as both members of the marriage are behaving appropriately, doing nothing to disrespect the institution of marriage nor their spouses, then there is no need for full disclosure. It is when a person hides his misbehavior behind the mask of his so-called right to privacy that problems arise.
There should be no secrets between a married couple my husband knows everything about me and I know every thing about him. We evern know about each others past before we meet each other. Being open and honest is best.
Depends on the secret.
I am completely honest and open with my fiance
We all have secrets. I say yes. However I don't' feel you should do things after you're married that would be secret. Having them before your married is one thing, creating them after and keeping them is another. I have one I'll tell I was busted with drugs at high school I was 17. I never smoked pot again. I never told my wife nor does anyone else that knows me now have a clue I got into that sort of trouble
White lies don't harm and size doesn't matter!!!??????!!!!
In most cases I think it should be very open and without secrets - but there are exceptions. If my husband had a one-nighter and it was a mistake - I don't want to know about it. If he fancies the pants of a girl at work, I don't want to know about it. However, I have no difficulty in him knowing the passwords for my emails etc if it makes him feel happy. We leave our mobile phones lying around and unlocked so we could theoretically check each others phones. Otherwise, I think secrets are unhealthy.
Depends on the secret.
If it's ';what he's getting me for my birthday'; then yeah, secrets are okay.
If it's ';that he's been hanging out in internet chat rooms and talking to people that he knows would upset me if I knew about it'; then no, secrets are not okay.
In general, I do not believe in secrets. However, if there is something in the past (before the spouse ever entered the picture) that does not affect the present relationship, I think sometimes it's better to leave some of that alone. Anything in the present that involves the spouse needs to be open and honest though. Confidences asked for from friends, however, should be respected if it doesn't involve the spouse.
Oh - secrets are always good....
Like how I threw away his ratty holy t-shirt and then pretended I didn't know what happened.
Like how I paid one of our bills late so I could get him a birthday present.
Like how I tell him his mother moving in with us someday won't be an issue when I secretly cringe a little inside....
Spose you mean the type of secrets that could bust them apart if they found out about them........?
Depends on the secret. If I have an awesome birthday present for him that I don't want him to know about, then I consider that a secret that's good to keep. If I've been going out to lunch with a man (example only), for whatever reason, and don't tell him about that, then I don't think that's a good idea. There are other more touchy situations, as well. Say, my best friend tells me something in complete confidence that doesn't affect my marriage whatsoever and has nothing to do with me, do I still tell my husband about it? Probably not. Why should he hear all the gory details of my friend's life? I think secrets should be considered on an individual basis, whether or not they are shared.
Yes, there should be secrets, especially the ones that will drive your spouse nuts, I keep my spending a secret. I believe you can keep a secret, if you know you're going get yelled at.
Most people would say no, but somethings are better off unsaid.
NO secrets at all!!! they will harm your relationship honesty is still the best for you.Try talking to your spouse and go from there you might be surprised what will happen if you r honest!! Good luck!!
How much would it cost for a couple to live in NYC per year?
Not necesserally in manhattan just in a decent part of the city. Would use public transportation and have a middle class lifestyle.How much would it cost for a couple to live in NYC per year?
Average of $3000 a month / $36,000 a year give or takeHow much would it cost for a couple to live in NYC per year?
Average of $3000 a month / $36,000 a year give or takeHow much would it cost for a couple to live in NYC per year?
How to find out real character of - newly married couples?
what character? his or hersHow to find out real character of - newly married couples?
huh?How to find out real character of - newly married couples?
Install hidden cameras everywhere in the house with 24x7 monitoring
look them up on the credits.
I dont understand the question
hanimoon only
take blood sample and give it to laboratory.
what? I don't understand this at all..
huh?How to find out real character of - newly married couples?
Install hidden cameras everywhere in the house with 24x7 monitoring
look them up on the credits.
I dont understand the question
hanimoon only
take blood sample and give it to laboratory.
what? I don't understand this at all..
Why have gas prices been dropping a couple of cents for the last 3 days?
Each day the gas prices at the pump has dropped about 2-4 cents per day for the last 3 days. Why is this happening? And ho wlong will it go on for?Why have gas prices been dropping a couple of cents for the last 3 days?
The price of oil per barrel has dropped slightly and gas prices are highly regulated, if oil companies pay less we will tooWhy have gas prices been dropping a couple of cents for the last 3 days?
Actually it is because the demand for gasoline is significantly down. And it is starting to affect the price of crude oil. You can expect the decline to continue but there will be a spike around Labor Daypimple
The price of oil per barrel has dropped slightly and gas prices are highly regulated, if oil companies pay less we will tooWhy have gas prices been dropping a couple of cents for the last 3 days?
Actually it is because the demand for gasoline is significantly down. And it is starting to affect the price of crude oil. You can expect the decline to continue but there will be a spike around Labor Day
Do any couples who have been married more than five years have a great sex life?
13+ years and it's great %26amp; still improving. :-)
We also have three kids, ages 8 and younger, and the idea that there is ';no time for sex'; is ridiculous. You make time for sex, honey.Do any couples who have been married more than five years have a great sex life?
Do you mean, with each other?
.Do any couples who have been married more than five years have a great sex life?
Yeah..my husband and I do! :-)
Yes, just not as often. 31 years here.
It depends on how much they practice, and if they are willing to have better sex every single time : ) Me so horny me love you long time jajajajajaja
it comes and goes in waves. if you're irrtaed with the person, then you want them to stay away, but after a long drawn out fight where you both get hurt, you can't keep your hands off each other...any relationship isn't easy, add a kid or two and it becomes even more stressful. the key is do you love eachother and do you want to work it out. if you ';talk'; and do all the ';work'; that goes along with the relationship, the sexlife will be fine.
Oh sure! I think it has gotten better as we know eachothers body's more and what it takes to bring out the animal in one another. We have kids and it doesn't seem to affect us that much. They have a set bedtime and so we just make the time. Sometimes, if we are tired from a long day, we will take a shower in the morning together before I wake the kids up. This is nice and a change from normal.
It is funny to think about how great the sex is now as my husband and I look nothing like what we did 8 years ago! We have both put some pounds on but I am not lying when I say he is just as hot now as he was then!
There is one thing that I do regulary which I think keeps the passion going----I continually take care of small things like SHaving my Legs and bikini area. It sounds silly, but I know my husband appreciates that I do those things for him.
Thanks to slick willy you will have to define ';great sex life'; for me.
20 yrs and still going strong.
After 33 years of marriage, I feel lucky to have a sex life at all, what do you think happens after having children, trying to keep up with repairs on the house, health problems of our own, sick parents who need taking care of, money issues, job issues. We have to make time for ourselves and then feel guilty because we are neglecting something else when we do.
Why do you question it ? I'm past my fifty-third year of marriage , with no complaints .
Been married almost 11 years and we have 3 kids. The sex does get better once you get to know each others bodies and responses. BUT the only complaint I would have is the frequency. I want it all the time and my wife doesn't! BUT when we do have sex it is awesome and it definitely has improved every year!
15 years, yes.
Been married 7 years, 3 kids, no time for sex.
It takes work, planning and a willingness to try new things. But it is possible.
10 years..
What is this sex life you speak of?
30 years here. The kids are all out of the house on their own. Its like when we were first married all over again. Only better because we know each other so well.
Been married for 6 years and it keeps getting better!! :)
Hmmm I think that it depends on the married couple. Some might say no, but in my case hell yea.
We have been married 12yrs and since I got my tubal ligation our sex life has gone through the roof. I think since we both don't have to worry about me getting pregnant we enjoy it more often. We have 3 kids and I think that even a quick can fit in your schedule. There is always time for sex. We both work and we don't use that as an excuse.
Make sure you keep it spicy. Play games. Don't feel like you have to do it. Enjoy it to the fullest.
My husband and I have been together for 18 years...we have great sex! Not as often as I would like it, but, I'm a horndog! I can't get enough of HIM! When we do, it is fabulous!
Yes if they know who to play. takes a lot of work after five years
The first 6-7 years were the best! Then the BABIES came. We were still active when she died after 19 years of marriage. Have a great day! ;-)=
Married 24 years and still ';getting it on.';
Been married for 15 years here and must say ... it is better today than it was 15 years ago!! We are more comfortable with each other and our own selves. There is no longer the need to impress .... Sex is so much better when you aren't worried about the trivial things!!
It depends with whom you are having sex with.
Your life, sex life included...is what you make of it.
We, Rabbit Man and I, have been married 12 years. And I can tell you that it gets better with age!
Because you become more attuned to each others bodies and needs.
Or sometimes you just need to mix it up...like we make love everywhere and anywhere.
Also, on his days off I spoil him by bathing him...and that keeps us strong.
Try these things, just spending time together and spoiling each other with back rubs...bathing each other...shoot put on a strip show! (My HUBBY does that and it is SOOOO sexy!)
Blessings to you and yours
with me personally it just gets better with time!
married more than that... the sex is better with my GF...
Yes. Although sometimes not with each other.
We also have three kids, ages 8 and younger, and the idea that there is ';no time for sex'; is ridiculous. You make time for sex, honey.Do any couples who have been married more than five years have a great sex life?
Do you mean, with each other?
.Do any couples who have been married more than five years have a great sex life?
Yeah..my husband and I do! :-)
Yes, just not as often. 31 years here.
It depends on how much they practice, and if they are willing to have better sex every single time : ) Me so horny me love you long time jajajajajaja
it comes and goes in waves. if you're irrtaed with the person, then you want them to stay away, but after a long drawn out fight where you both get hurt, you can't keep your hands off each other...any relationship isn't easy, add a kid or two and it becomes even more stressful. the key is do you love eachother and do you want to work it out. if you ';talk'; and do all the ';work'; that goes along with the relationship, the sexlife will be fine.
Oh sure! I think it has gotten better as we know eachothers body's more and what it takes to bring out the animal in one another. We have kids and it doesn't seem to affect us that much. They have a set bedtime and so we just make the time. Sometimes, if we are tired from a long day, we will take a shower in the morning together before I wake the kids up. This is nice and a change from normal.
It is funny to think about how great the sex is now as my husband and I look nothing like what we did 8 years ago! We have both put some pounds on but I am not lying when I say he is just as hot now as he was then!
There is one thing that I do regulary which I think keeps the passion going----I continually take care of small things like SHaving my Legs and bikini area. It sounds silly, but I know my husband appreciates that I do those things for him.
Thanks to slick willy you will have to define ';great sex life'; for me.
20 yrs and still going strong.
After 33 years of marriage, I feel lucky to have a sex life at all, what do you think happens after having children, trying to keep up with repairs on the house, health problems of our own, sick parents who need taking care of, money issues, job issues. We have to make time for ourselves and then feel guilty because we are neglecting something else when we do.
Why do you question it ? I'm past my fifty-third year of marriage , with no complaints .
Been married almost 11 years and we have 3 kids. The sex does get better once you get to know each others bodies and responses. BUT the only complaint I would have is the frequency. I want it all the time and my wife doesn't! BUT when we do have sex it is awesome and it definitely has improved every year!
15 years, yes.
Been married 7 years, 3 kids, no time for sex.
It takes work, planning and a willingness to try new things. But it is possible.
10 years..
What is this sex life you speak of?
30 years here. The kids are all out of the house on their own. Its like when we were first married all over again. Only better because we know each other so well.
Been married for 6 years and it keeps getting better!! :)
Hmmm I think that it depends on the married couple. Some might say no, but in my case hell yea.
We have been married 12yrs and since I got my tubal ligation our sex life has gone through the roof. I think since we both don't have to worry about me getting pregnant we enjoy it more often. We have 3 kids and I think that even a quick can fit in your schedule. There is always time for sex. We both work and we don't use that as an excuse.
Make sure you keep it spicy. Play games. Don't feel like you have to do it. Enjoy it to the fullest.
My husband and I have been together for 18 years...we have great sex! Not as often as I would like it, but, I'm a horndog! I can't get enough of HIM! When we do, it is fabulous!
Yes if they know who to play. takes a lot of work after five years
The first 6-7 years were the best! Then the BABIES came. We were still active when she died after 19 years of marriage. Have a great day! ;-)=
Married 24 years and still ';getting it on.';
Been married for 15 years here and must say ... it is better today than it was 15 years ago!! We are more comfortable with each other and our own selves. There is no longer the need to impress .... Sex is so much better when you aren't worried about the trivial things!!
It depends with whom you are having sex with.
Your life, sex life included...is what you make of it.
We, Rabbit Man and I, have been married 12 years. And I can tell you that it gets better with age!
Because you become more attuned to each others bodies and needs.
Or sometimes you just need to mix it up...like we make love everywhere and anywhere.
Also, on his days off I spoil him by bathing him...and that keeps us strong.
Try these things, just spending time together and spoiling each other with back rubs...bathing each other...shoot put on a strip show! (My HUBBY does that and it is SOOOO sexy!)
Blessings to you and yours
with me personally it just gets better with time!
married more than that... the sex is better with my GF...
Yes. Although sometimes not with each other.
What is the trial with an asian couple owning a laundromat vs some other guy?
I remember, the asian couple (Korean, I think) owned a laundry place. They were sued, and the man kept suing them over and over until they lost a lot of money.What is the trial with an asian couple owning a laundromat vs some other guy?
I would assume that the verdict will be against that Asian couple. They will lose everything they own and be in debt for the rest of their lives whether they are at fault or not. Asians have even less right than slaves or animals. In The US when a person see an animal being abused he'she would feel bad about it (as every normal person should). However, when a person see an Asian man being robbed or murder his/her typical reaction would be indifferent at best and joining in the mayhem at worst.
I would assume that the verdict will be against that Asian couple. They will lose everything they own and be in debt for the rest of their lives whether they are at fault or not. Asians have even less right than slaves or animals. In The US when a person see an animal being abused he'she would feel bad about it (as every normal person should). However, when a person see an Asian man being robbed or murder his/her typical reaction would be indifferent at best and joining in the mayhem at worst.
If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
if married and gets a divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring???
what if you are not married, then who gets to keep the engagement ring?If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
I believe 'in the court of law' the man is supposed to get the ring back.
There are many instances where the woman keeps the ring though. Things happen. But LEGALLY, the ring is supposed to go back to the man.
The only way it would be kept by the woman is if it were given as a gift. Like Christmas or birthday, etc. An engagement is not a gift, but rather a symbol of a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. If that commitment is broken....the man gets the ring back..If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
engagement ring is what he gives you as a symbol of marriage, you marry him its yours. If the marriage didnt go through, he gets it back.
her of course
she gets to keep the ring. she earned it!
The woman keeps the ring, unless she chooses to throw it back in the guy's face. At which point he can either pick it up and keep it, or he can leave it where it fell....
I've always kept my ring after the divorce.
Now I don't know in the case of breaking it off before you get married, because I always stupidly go the whole way.
But I never ask for what I've given a guy back...so I'd see the guy as cheap scape if he asked for it back.
don't be cheap. the women always keeps the ring. you gave it in a spirit of love,don't get petty and ask for it back. let the cost of it go.
She keeps the rings and does with them what she wants, sell them or keep them for the kids if there are any.
If an engagement is broken, the ring MUST be returned to the man. It was not a gift in the regular sense, but rather a symbol of the promise to get married.
She must give it back.
If you don't get married the person who bought the ring gets it back. I had a friend who went to court over this issue and the judge told her it was like she broke a contract to marry the guy so she needed to pay the penalty for breaking the contract. I think once you are married the woman can keep the ring.
if you divorce, the woman usually keeps the ring.it was a gift. if you are engaged and she brakes it off, she should give the ring back. if the man breaks it off, she keeps it if she wants to.
u leave it to the girl unafortunetly srry dude unless she gives it to u
The man should get it back as its symbol of the agreement to marriage. No marriage, no agreement, the man gets the ring back.
The ring is a gift, it belong to the person it was given to, period.
If she has any integrity at all she would give it back. If she doesn't, just more proof that it wasn't meant to be.
If you are marrieed: The woman, and if you call of the wedding, the man. he deserves what he paid for it!!! So girls give up the ring!
stays with whoever can get it first... :D
the ring is a gift - the woman can keep it if she likes.
If an engagement is broken, the ring s to be given back.
If getting divorced, then the woman keeps the ring.
The pawn shop down the road usually ends up keeping the ring.
as a man I would let them keep it the engagement ring is not the deal. It's like the show deal or no deal get your ring she shouldn't want
In the case of divorce, each person is entitled to their own ';personal property'; - including jewlery, clothes, etc.
If you are not yet married, it is up to the girl if she wants to return the ring. If the engagement was called off by the guy, then girl ususally will keep the ring. If the girl ends the engagement, she will most usually return the ring.
in my country the woman returns the engagement ring to the man,and she keeps her wedding band.
if you haven't even proposed yet why are you worried about who gets the ring?
After the marriage, the ring is hers. Before marriage, she gives it back.
If married, I believe the wife keeps it. If not married, it depends on whether it was given as a gift.....for instance, for Christmas or a birthday. If a gift, she keeps it....if not, she should give it back.
the woman should get to keep the ring because it was a gift but alot of times the guy wants the ring back just to be a ***!
If you were only engaged or it was a short marriage, she gives it back.
If you've been married for awhile and there has been a signficant marriage, she keeps it.
I'd say less than five years of marriage, she gives it back.
what if you are not married, then who gets to keep the engagement ring?If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
I believe 'in the court of law' the man is supposed to get the ring back.
There are many instances where the woman keeps the ring though. Things happen. But LEGALLY, the ring is supposed to go back to the man.
The only way it would be kept by the woman is if it were given as a gift. Like Christmas or birthday, etc. An engagement is not a gift, but rather a symbol of a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. If that commitment is broken....the man gets the ring back..If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
engagement ring is what he gives you as a symbol of marriage, you marry him its yours. If the marriage didnt go through, he gets it back.
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her of course
she gets to keep the ring. she earned it!
The woman keeps the ring, unless she chooses to throw it back in the guy's face. At which point he can either pick it up and keep it, or he can leave it where it fell....
I've always kept my ring after the divorce.
Now I don't know in the case of breaking it off before you get married, because I always stupidly go the whole way.
But I never ask for what I've given a guy back...so I'd see the guy as cheap scape if he asked for it back.
don't be cheap. the women always keeps the ring. you gave it in a spirit of love,don't get petty and ask for it back. let the cost of it go.
She keeps the rings and does with them what she wants, sell them or keep them for the kids if there are any.
If an engagement is broken, the ring MUST be returned to the man. It was not a gift in the regular sense, but rather a symbol of the promise to get married.
She must give it back.
If you don't get married the person who bought the ring gets it back. I had a friend who went to court over this issue and the judge told her it was like she broke a contract to marry the guy so she needed to pay the penalty for breaking the contract. I think once you are married the woman can keep the ring.
if you divorce, the woman usually keeps the ring.it was a gift. if you are engaged and she brakes it off, she should give the ring back. if the man breaks it off, she keeps it if she wants to.
u leave it to the girl unafortunetly srry dude unless she gives it to u
The man should get it back as its symbol of the agreement to marriage. No marriage, no agreement, the man gets the ring back.
The ring is a gift, it belong to the person it was given to, period.
If she has any integrity at all she would give it back. If she doesn't, just more proof that it wasn't meant to be.
If you are marrieed: The woman, and if you call of the wedding, the man. he deserves what he paid for it!!! So girls give up the ring!
stays with whoever can get it first... :D
the ring is a gift - the woman can keep it if she likes.
If an engagement is broken, the ring s to be given back.
If getting divorced, then the woman keeps the ring.
The pawn shop down the road usually ends up keeping the ring.
as a man I would let them keep it the engagement ring is not the deal. It's like the show deal or no deal get your ring she shouldn't want
In the case of divorce, each person is entitled to their own ';personal property'; - including jewlery, clothes, etc.
If you are not yet married, it is up to the girl if she wants to return the ring. If the engagement was called off by the guy, then girl ususally will keep the ring. If the girl ends the engagement, she will most usually return the ring.
in my country the woman returns the engagement ring to the man,and she keeps her wedding band.
if you haven't even proposed yet why are you worried about who gets the ring?
After the marriage, the ring is hers. Before marriage, she gives it back.
If married, I believe the wife keeps it. If not married, it depends on whether it was given as a gift.....for instance, for Christmas or a birthday. If a gift, she keeps it....if not, she should give it back.
the woman should get to keep the ring because it was a gift but alot of times the guy wants the ring back just to be a ***!
If you were only engaged or it was a short marriage, she gives it back.
If you've been married for awhile and there has been a signficant marriage, she keeps it.
I'd say less than five years of marriage, she gives it back.
Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
Ok, I have a couple of bottles of sherry (the spirits of Christmas past) that have been sitting around in my liquor cabinet for a couple of years. I am not a big sherry drinker and, while quite a bit higher grade than the cooking variety, it is not exactly top shelf.
I can't bring myself to just pour the stuff out. Any good ideas for what to do with it?Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
here are 130 drink recipes that can help use your stash...A lot of these recipes would be very festive...
My call centre neighbor Nico said to make a reduction of the sherry over low heat, put some brown sugar or maple syrup in for sweetening, put on a think, yellowish white cake...what you could also do is put about half of the mixture in the bottom of the pan before pouring the cake over it to bake, when the cake is finished and cooled, pour the reserved reduction over top...he is also a cook!
if you have some marsala sherry, you can make some Italian Custards...I just saw a recipe for this today in a cookbook I have home but, I pulled this one from cooks dot com
4 egg yolks
1 egg
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. marsala wine or sherry
Dash of salt
Beat egg yolks and egg in small mixer bowl on high speed until thick and lemon colored, about 3 minutes. Gradually beat in sugar, scraping bowl occasionally. Beat in wine and salt on low speed.
Pour mixture into top of double boiler. Add enough hot water to bottom of double boiler so that top does not touch water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. (Water in double boiler should simmer, but not boil.) Remove from heat. Serve immediately.
Apparently, you can do countless things with it...from a vinagerette dressing to apricot stuffed chicken breasts...Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
he does indeed, I'll pass that on to him!
make a nice flambe..... try foodnetwork for some recipes
I like to cook with sherry. It's really good in soups and in stir-fry. If this is better than the cooking variety (which just has salt added to make it not a palatable beverage), all the better.
Use it for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat.
I use it for making pork chops tender by using sherry after cooking the pork on one side in a frying pan. After one side of the pork is browned turn the pieces over and add a small can of drained mushrooms, the 4 ounce can, and then about 3 shots of sherry. Put a lid on the pan and turn the heat down to low and let cook for up to 10 minutes.
Take the lid off the pan and turn the heat up to medium to rid the excess moisture. In a few minutes the heat will evaporate excess moisture and leave a nice sauce with mushrooms.
I can't bring myself to just pour the stuff out. Any good ideas for what to do with it?Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
here are 130 drink recipes that can help use your stash...A lot of these recipes would be very festive...
My call centre neighbor Nico said to make a reduction of the sherry over low heat, put some brown sugar or maple syrup in for sweetening, put on a think, yellowish white cake...what you could also do is put about half of the mixture in the bottom of the pan before pouring the cake over it to bake, when the cake is finished and cooled, pour the reserved reduction over top...he is also a cook!
if you have some marsala sherry, you can make some Italian Custards...I just saw a recipe for this today in a cookbook I have home but, I pulled this one from cooks dot com
4 egg yolks
1 egg
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. marsala wine or sherry
Dash of salt
Beat egg yolks and egg in small mixer bowl on high speed until thick and lemon colored, about 3 minutes. Gradually beat in sugar, scraping bowl occasionally. Beat in wine and salt on low speed.
Pour mixture into top of double boiler. Add enough hot water to bottom of double boiler so that top does not touch water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. (Water in double boiler should simmer, but not boil.) Remove from heat. Serve immediately.
Apparently, you can do countless things with it...from a vinagerette dressing to apricot stuffed chicken breasts...Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
he does indeed, I'll pass that on to him!
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make a nice flambe..... try foodnetwork for some recipes
I like to cook with sherry. It's really good in soups and in stir-fry. If this is better than the cooking variety (which just has salt added to make it not a palatable beverage), all the better.
Use it for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat.
I use it for making pork chops tender by using sherry after cooking the pork on one side in a frying pan. After one side of the pork is browned turn the pieces over and add a small can of drained mushrooms, the 4 ounce can, and then about 3 shots of sherry. Put a lid on the pan and turn the heat down to low and let cook for up to 10 minutes.
Take the lid off the pan and turn the heat up to medium to rid the excess moisture. In a few minutes the heat will evaporate excess moisture and leave a nice sauce with mushrooms.
How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Dust keeps coming back every couple of days. What can make it so I don't have to dust so often.How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Good air filters from your air conditioning unit will help a little. But the dust just comes back. It is a real hassle.How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Dust comes from many places - dust from outside can be cut down by not keeping windows and doors open - though, personally, I'd rather have the fresh air and deal with the dust as it comes.
Dust comes from pets and people - no way around that, I'm afraid.
Dust also comes from other sources, like wood-burning fireplaces. If you have one, using it less often and removing the ashes often will cut down on dust.
One thing you can do is invest in an air filter - your heating system or air conditioner may have one already, but buying a good filter and cleaning it often can be a big help. You can also get machines that help to filter your house's air.
Buying a good-quality vacuum with a high-quality air filter will make sure you remove the dust when you vacuum, not just blow it around. A HEPA filter is the gold standard, but a good-quality regular filter will deal with most dust.
there are certain ways you can dust better. like if you just wipe it all off with a towel and wush it around the dust settles right back down after you do it. but if you take like a cleaner and actually wipe it all off and see it come off it doesnt settle again for longer.
ventilate your house in the morning andclose windows and curtains for the day . ventilate again in the eveving , but still you need to dust once a day , you wont find dustfree atmosphere in the plains. you need to move to some place in the mountains for a relatively dust free house.
You actually can't unless there is no dust in the air .... keeping the windows open so that wind helps to keep the dust in the air instead of settlng down, but the main issue is still the air
Consider having water-based air purifier in the home
i have this problem....and mostly on my TV, surround sound etc.
I have a microfiber dusting cloth and i spray static guard on the cloth and then wipe down my things. Never spray it directly on your things. This has cut down my dusting to only 1 time a week! good luck!
An air purifier will cut down on the pollutants in your air.
1. Keep doors shut
2. Bath vigorously with a hand towel
3. Keep your air filters changed
Remember most dust is generated from dead skin
get an anti-static polish... works using the opposite principle to why dusts sticks to your tv... this just makes it land on your carpet instead! i think mr shine uses this...
Make sure you keep your furnance filter changed often.
BTW, I am a real neat freak, but I almost never dust. That's how I keep from dusting every couple of days! :D
I don't think there's anyway to keep it from coming back. That's why it's called house work. If you find out let me know.
You can keep from dusting so often if you stop caring... :)
make sure everyone showers daily, 90% of dust is dead human skin.
by cleaning everyday
cover every thing in cloth or plastic sheets
put plastic alls over stuffs =3
Use Pledge.
My secret is apathy. And a Hepa filter that I run on low.
Get your ducts cleaned!
I use Mr Sheen (UK) and always spray on the cloth not the item or it will streak. I only dust once a week.
answer my question
Good air filters from your air conditioning unit will help a little. But the dust just comes back. It is a real hassle.How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Dust comes from many places - dust from outside can be cut down by not keeping windows and doors open - though, personally, I'd rather have the fresh air and deal with the dust as it comes.
Dust comes from pets and people - no way around that, I'm afraid.
Dust also comes from other sources, like wood-burning fireplaces. If you have one, using it less often and removing the ashes often will cut down on dust.
One thing you can do is invest in an air filter - your heating system or air conditioner may have one already, but buying a good filter and cleaning it often can be a big help. You can also get machines that help to filter your house's air.
Buying a good-quality vacuum with a high-quality air filter will make sure you remove the dust when you vacuum, not just blow it around. A HEPA filter is the gold standard, but a good-quality regular filter will deal with most dust.
there are certain ways you can dust better. like if you just wipe it all off with a towel and wush it around the dust settles right back down after you do it. but if you take like a cleaner and actually wipe it all off and see it come off it doesnt settle again for longer.
ventilate your house in the morning andclose windows and curtains for the day . ventilate again in the eveving , but still you need to dust once a day , you wont find dustfree atmosphere in the plains. you need to move to some place in the mountains for a relatively dust free house.
You actually can't unless there is no dust in the air .... keeping the windows open so that wind helps to keep the dust in the air instead of settlng down, but the main issue is still the air
Consider having water-based air purifier in the home
i have this problem....and mostly on my TV, surround sound etc.
I have a microfiber dusting cloth and i spray static guard on the cloth and then wipe down my things. Never spray it directly on your things. This has cut down my dusting to only 1 time a week! good luck!
An air purifier will cut down on the pollutants in your air.
1. Keep doors shut
2. Bath vigorously with a hand towel
3. Keep your air filters changed
Remember most dust is generated from dead skin
get an anti-static polish... works using the opposite principle to why dusts sticks to your tv... this just makes it land on your carpet instead! i think mr shine uses this...
Make sure you keep your furnance filter changed often.
BTW, I am a real neat freak, but I almost never dust. That's how I keep from dusting every couple of days! :D
I don't think there's anyway to keep it from coming back. That's why it's called house work. If you find out let me know.
You can keep from dusting so often if you stop caring... :)
make sure everyone showers daily, 90% of dust is dead human skin.
by cleaning everyday
cover every thing in cloth or plastic sheets
put plastic alls over stuffs =3
Use Pledge.
My secret is apathy. And a Hepa filter that I run on low.
Get your ducts cleaned!
I use Mr Sheen (UK) and always spray on the cloth not the item or it will streak. I only dust once a week.
answer my question
Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
My wife and I have been trying to do the same thing. We looked online for LGBT gatherings that were doing things that we are interested in doing etc...Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
try going to a gay/lesbian bar......if i had a girl right now we would probably help you.Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
If you're near a big city, check and see if there is an LGBT community center nearby. They will usually have events for women.pimple
try going to a gay/lesbian bar......if i had a girl right now we would probably help you.Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
If you're near a big city, check and see if there is an LGBT community center nearby. They will usually have events for women.
Do gay people have the same rights as hetrosexual couples?
Not even close. Even with extensive paperwork, a hospital can still deny a homosexual's partner from seeing them. All a hetero person has to say is ';I'm their wife/husband'; and no questions are asked. No request for a marriage license, nothing.
I said ';I do'; and I came into a whole LOAD of rights...right then and there. Gay people don't have that.
And it's a shame.Do gay people have the same rights as hetrosexual couples?
Not if they don't have the right to marry.
I said ';I do'; and I came into a whole LOAD of rights...right then and there. Gay people don't have that.
And it's a shame.Do gay people have the same rights as hetrosexual couples?
Not if they don't have the right to marry.
If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
if married and gets a divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring???
what if you are not married, then who gets to keep the engagement ring?If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
I believe 'in the court of law' the man is supposed to get the ring back.
There are many instances where the woman keeps the ring though. Things happen. But LEGALLY, the ring is supposed to go back to the man.
The only way it would be kept by the woman is if it were given as a gift. Like Christmas or birthday, etc. An engagement is not a gift, but rather a symbol of a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. If that commitment is broken....the man gets the ring back..If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
engagement ring is what he gives you as a symbol of marriage, you marry him its yours. If the marriage didnt go through, he gets it back.
her of course
she gets to keep the ring. she earned it!
The woman keeps the ring, unless she chooses to throw it back in the guy's face. At which point he can either pick it up and keep it, or he can leave it where it fell....
I've always kept my ring after the divorce.
Now I don't know in the case of breaking it off before you get married, because I always stupidly go the whole way.
But I never ask for what I've given a guy back...so I'd see the guy as cheap scape if he asked for it back.
don't be cheap. the women always keeps the ring. you gave it in a spirit of love,don't get petty and ask for it back. let the cost of it go.
She keeps the rings and does with them what she wants, sell them or keep them for the kids if there are any.
If an engagement is broken, the ring MUST be returned to the man. It was not a gift in the regular sense, but rather a symbol of the promise to get married.
She must give it back.
If you don't get married the person who bought the ring gets it back. I had a friend who went to court over this issue and the judge told her it was like she broke a contract to marry the guy so she needed to pay the penalty for breaking the contract. I think once you are married the woman can keep the ring.
if you divorce, the woman usually keeps the ring.it was a gift. if you are engaged and she brakes it off, she should give the ring back. if the man breaks it off, she keeps it if she wants to.
u leave it to the girl unafortunetly srry dude unless she gives it to u
The man should get it back as its symbol of the agreement to marriage. No marriage, no agreement, the man gets the ring back.
The ring is a gift, it belong to the person it was given to, period.
If she has any integrity at all she would give it back. If she doesn't, just more proof that it wasn't meant to be.
If you are marrieed: The woman, and if you call of the wedding, the man. he deserves what he paid for it!!! So girls give up the ring!
stays with whoever can get it first... :D
the ring is a gift - the woman can keep it if she likes.
If an engagement is broken, the ring s to be given back.
If getting divorced, then the woman keeps the ring.
The pawn shop down the road usually ends up keeping the ring.
as a man I would let them keep it the engagement ring is not the deal. It's like the show deal or no deal get your ring she shouldn't want
In the case of divorce, each person is entitled to their own ';personal property'; - including jewlery, clothes, etc.
If you are not yet married, it is up to the girl if she wants to return the ring. If the engagement was called off by the guy, then girl ususally will keep the ring. If the girl ends the engagement, she will most usually return the ring.
in my country the woman returns the engagement ring to the man,and she keeps her wedding band.
if you haven't even proposed yet why are you worried about who gets the ring?
After the marriage, the ring is hers. Before marriage, she gives it back.
If married, I believe the wife keeps it. If not married, it depends on whether it was given as a gift.....for instance, for Christmas or a birthday. If a gift, she keeps it....if not, she should give it back.
the woman should get to keep the ring because it was a gift but alot of times the guy wants the ring back just to be a ***!
If you were only engaged or it was a short marriage, she gives it back.
If you've been married for awhile and there has been a signficant marriage, she keeps it.
I'd say less than five years of marriage, she gives it back.
what if you are not married, then who gets to keep the engagement ring?If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
I believe 'in the court of law' the man is supposed to get the ring back.
There are many instances where the woman keeps the ring though. Things happen. But LEGALLY, the ring is supposed to go back to the man.
The only way it would be kept by the woman is if it were given as a gift. Like Christmas or birthday, etc. An engagement is not a gift, but rather a symbol of a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. If that commitment is broken....the man gets the ring back..If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
engagement ring is what he gives you as a symbol of marriage, you marry him its yours. If the marriage didnt go through, he gets it back.
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her of course
she gets to keep the ring. she earned it!
The woman keeps the ring, unless she chooses to throw it back in the guy's face. At which point he can either pick it up and keep it, or he can leave it where it fell....
I've always kept my ring after the divorce.
Now I don't know in the case of breaking it off before you get married, because I always stupidly go the whole way.
But I never ask for what I've given a guy back...so I'd see the guy as cheap scape if he asked for it back.
don't be cheap. the women always keeps the ring. you gave it in a spirit of love,don't get petty and ask for it back. let the cost of it go.
She keeps the rings and does with them what she wants, sell them or keep them for the kids if there are any.
If an engagement is broken, the ring MUST be returned to the man. It was not a gift in the regular sense, but rather a symbol of the promise to get married.
She must give it back.
If you don't get married the person who bought the ring gets it back. I had a friend who went to court over this issue and the judge told her it was like she broke a contract to marry the guy so she needed to pay the penalty for breaking the contract. I think once you are married the woman can keep the ring.
if you divorce, the woman usually keeps the ring.it was a gift. if you are engaged and she brakes it off, she should give the ring back. if the man breaks it off, she keeps it if she wants to.
u leave it to the girl unafortunetly srry dude unless she gives it to u
The man should get it back as its symbol of the agreement to marriage. No marriage, no agreement, the man gets the ring back.
The ring is a gift, it belong to the person it was given to, period.
If she has any integrity at all she would give it back. If she doesn't, just more proof that it wasn't meant to be.
If you are marrieed: The woman, and if you call of the wedding, the man. he deserves what he paid for it!!! So girls give up the ring!
stays with whoever can get it first... :D
the ring is a gift - the woman can keep it if she likes.
If an engagement is broken, the ring s to be given back.
If getting divorced, then the woman keeps the ring.
The pawn shop down the road usually ends up keeping the ring.
as a man I would let them keep it the engagement ring is not the deal. It's like the show deal or no deal get your ring she shouldn't want
In the case of divorce, each person is entitled to their own ';personal property'; - including jewlery, clothes, etc.
If you are not yet married, it is up to the girl if she wants to return the ring. If the engagement was called off by the guy, then girl ususally will keep the ring. If the girl ends the engagement, she will most usually return the ring.
in my country the woman returns the engagement ring to the man,and she keeps her wedding band.
if you haven't even proposed yet why are you worried about who gets the ring?
After the marriage, the ring is hers. Before marriage, she gives it back.
If married, I believe the wife keeps it. If not married, it depends on whether it was given as a gift.....for instance, for Christmas or a birthday. If a gift, she keeps it....if not, she should give it back.
the woman should get to keep the ring because it was a gift but alot of times the guy wants the ring back just to be a ***!
If you were only engaged or it was a short marriage, she gives it back.
If you've been married for awhile and there has been a signficant marriage, she keeps it.
I'd say less than five years of marriage, she gives it back.
Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
Ok, I have a couple of bottles of sherry (the spirits of Christmas past) that have been sitting around in my liquor cabinet for a couple of years. I am not a big sherry drinker and, while quite a bit higher grade than the cooking variety, it is not exactly top shelf.
I can't bring myself to just pour the stuff out. Any good ideas for what to do with it?Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
here are 130 drink recipes that can help use your stash...A lot of these recipes would be very festive...
My call centre neighbor Nico said to make a reduction of the sherry over low heat, put some brown sugar or maple syrup in for sweetening, put on a think, yellowish white cake...what you could also do is put about half of the mixture in the bottom of the pan before pouring the cake over it to bake, when the cake is finished and cooled, pour the reserved reduction over top...he is also a cook!
if you have some marsala sherry, you can make some Italian Custards...I just saw a recipe for this today in a cookbook I have home but, I pulled this one from cooks dot com
4 egg yolks
1 egg
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. marsala wine or sherry
Dash of salt
Beat egg yolks and egg in small mixer bowl on high speed until thick and lemon colored, about 3 minutes. Gradually beat in sugar, scraping bowl occasionally. Beat in wine and salt on low speed.
Pour mixture into top of double boiler. Add enough hot water to bottom of double boiler so that top does not touch water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. (Water in double boiler should simmer, but not boil.) Remove from heat. Serve immediately.
Apparently, you can do countless things with it...from a vinagerette dressing to apricot stuffed chicken breasts...Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
he does indeed, I'll pass that on to him!
make a nice flambe..... try foodnetwork for some recipes
I like to cook with sherry. It's really good in soups and in stir-fry. If this is better than the cooking variety (which just has salt added to make it not a palatable beverage), all the better.
Use it for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat.
I use it for making pork chops tender by using sherry after cooking the pork on one side in a frying pan. After one side of the pork is browned turn the pieces over and add a small can of drained mushrooms, the 4 ounce can, and then about 3 shots of sherry. Put a lid on the pan and turn the heat down to low and let cook for up to 10 minutes.
Take the lid off the pan and turn the heat up to medium to rid the excess moisture. In a few minutes the heat will evaporate excess moisture and leave a nice sauce with mushrooms.
I can't bring myself to just pour the stuff out. Any good ideas for what to do with it?Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
here are 130 drink recipes that can help use your stash...A lot of these recipes would be very festive...
My call centre neighbor Nico said to make a reduction of the sherry over low heat, put some brown sugar or maple syrup in for sweetening, put on a think, yellowish white cake...what you could also do is put about half of the mixture in the bottom of the pan before pouring the cake over it to bake, when the cake is finished and cooled, pour the reserved reduction over top...he is also a cook!
if you have some marsala sherry, you can make some Italian Custards...I just saw a recipe for this today in a cookbook I have home but, I pulled this one from cooks dot com
4 egg yolks
1 egg
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. marsala wine or sherry
Dash of salt
Beat egg yolks and egg in small mixer bowl on high speed until thick and lemon colored, about 3 minutes. Gradually beat in sugar, scraping bowl occasionally. Beat in wine and salt on low speed.
Pour mixture into top of double boiler. Add enough hot water to bottom of double boiler so that top does not touch water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. (Water in double boiler should simmer, but not boil.) Remove from heat. Serve immediately.
Apparently, you can do countless things with it...from a vinagerette dressing to apricot stuffed chicken breasts...Any good recipes for using up a couple of bottles of sherry?
he does indeed, I'll pass that on to him!
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make a nice flambe..... try foodnetwork for some recipes
I like to cook with sherry. It's really good in soups and in stir-fry. If this is better than the cooking variety (which just has salt added to make it not a palatable beverage), all the better.
Use it for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat.
I use it for making pork chops tender by using sherry after cooking the pork on one side in a frying pan. After one side of the pork is browned turn the pieces over and add a small can of drained mushrooms, the 4 ounce can, and then about 3 shots of sherry. Put a lid on the pan and turn the heat down to low and let cook for up to 10 minutes.
Take the lid off the pan and turn the heat up to medium to rid the excess moisture. In a few minutes the heat will evaporate excess moisture and leave a nice sauce with mushrooms.
How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Dust keeps coming back every couple of days. What can make it so I don't have to dust so often.How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Good air filters from your air conditioning unit will help a little. But the dust just comes back. It is a real hassle.How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Dust comes from many places - dust from outside can be cut down by not keeping windows and doors open - though, personally, I'd rather have the fresh air and deal with the dust as it comes.
Dust comes from pets and people - no way around that, I'm afraid.
Dust also comes from other sources, like wood-burning fireplaces. If you have one, using it less often and removing the ashes often will cut down on dust.
One thing you can do is invest in an air filter - your heating system or air conditioner may have one already, but buying a good filter and cleaning it often can be a big help. You can also get machines that help to filter your house's air.
Buying a good-quality vacuum with a high-quality air filter will make sure you remove the dust when you vacuum, not just blow it around. A HEPA filter is the gold standard, but a good-quality regular filter will deal with most dust.
there are certain ways you can dust better. like if you just wipe it all off with a towel and wush it around the dust settles right back down after you do it. but if you take like a cleaner and actually wipe it all off and see it come off it doesnt settle again for longer.
ventilate your house in the morning andclose windows and curtains for the day . ventilate again in the eveving , but still you need to dust once a day , you wont find dustfree atmosphere in the plains. you need to move to some place in the mountains for a relatively dust free house.
You actually can't unless there is no dust in the air .... keeping the windows open so that wind helps to keep the dust in the air instead of settlng down, but the main issue is still the air
Consider having water-based air purifier in the home
i have this problem....and mostly on my TV, surround sound etc.
I have a microfiber dusting cloth and i spray static guard on the cloth and then wipe down my things. Never spray it directly on your things. This has cut down my dusting to only 1 time a week! good luck!
An air purifier will cut down on the pollutants in your air.
1. Keep doors shut
2. Bath vigorously with a hand towel
3. Keep your air filters changed
Remember most dust is generated from dead skin
get an anti-static polish... works using the opposite principle to why dusts sticks to your tv... this just makes it land on your carpet instead! i think mr shine uses this...
Make sure you keep your furnance filter changed often.
BTW, I am a real neat freak, but I almost never dust. That's how I keep from dusting every couple of days! :D
I don't think there's anyway to keep it from coming back. That's why it's called house work. If you find out let me know.
You can keep from dusting so often if you stop caring... :)
make sure everyone showers daily, 90% of dust is dead human skin.
by cleaning everyday
cover every thing in cloth or plastic sheets
put plastic alls over stuffs =3
Use Pledge.
My secret is apathy. And a Hepa filter that I run on low.
Get your ducts cleaned!
I use Mr Sheen (UK) and always spray on the cloth not the item or it will streak. I only dust once a week.
answer my question
Good air filters from your air conditioning unit will help a little. But the dust just comes back. It is a real hassle.How do you keep from dusting every couple of days?
Dust comes from many places - dust from outside can be cut down by not keeping windows and doors open - though, personally, I'd rather have the fresh air and deal with the dust as it comes.
Dust comes from pets and people - no way around that, I'm afraid.
Dust also comes from other sources, like wood-burning fireplaces. If you have one, using it less often and removing the ashes often will cut down on dust.
One thing you can do is invest in an air filter - your heating system or air conditioner may have one already, but buying a good filter and cleaning it often can be a big help. You can also get machines that help to filter your house's air.
Buying a good-quality vacuum with a high-quality air filter will make sure you remove the dust when you vacuum, not just blow it around. A HEPA filter is the gold standard, but a good-quality regular filter will deal with most dust.
there are certain ways you can dust better. like if you just wipe it all off with a towel and wush it around the dust settles right back down after you do it. but if you take like a cleaner and actually wipe it all off and see it come off it doesnt settle again for longer.
ventilate your house in the morning andclose windows and curtains for the day . ventilate again in the eveving , but still you need to dust once a day , you wont find dustfree atmosphere in the plains. you need to move to some place in the mountains for a relatively dust free house.
You actually can't unless there is no dust in the air .... keeping the windows open so that wind helps to keep the dust in the air instead of settlng down, but the main issue is still the air
Consider having water-based air purifier in the home
i have this problem....and mostly on my TV, surround sound etc.
I have a microfiber dusting cloth and i spray static guard on the cloth and then wipe down my things. Never spray it directly on your things. This has cut down my dusting to only 1 time a week! good luck!
An air purifier will cut down on the pollutants in your air.
1. Keep doors shut
2. Bath vigorously with a hand towel
3. Keep your air filters changed
Remember most dust is generated from dead skin
get an anti-static polish... works using the opposite principle to why dusts sticks to your tv... this just makes it land on your carpet instead! i think mr shine uses this...
Make sure you keep your furnance filter changed often.
BTW, I am a real neat freak, but I almost never dust. That's how I keep from dusting every couple of days! :D
I don't think there's anyway to keep it from coming back. That's why it's called house work. If you find out let me know.
You can keep from dusting so often if you stop caring... :)
make sure everyone showers daily, 90% of dust is dead human skin.
by cleaning everyday
cover every thing in cloth or plastic sheets
put plastic alls over stuffs =3
Use Pledge.
My secret is apathy. And a Hepa filter that I run on low.
Get your ducts cleaned!
I use Mr Sheen (UK) and always spray on the cloth not the item or it will streak. I only dust once a week.
answer my question
Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
My wife and I have been trying to do the same thing. We looked online for LGBT gatherings that were doing things that we are interested in doing etc...Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
try going to a gay/lesbian bar......if i had a girl right now we would probably help you.Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
If you're near a big city, check and see if there is an LGBT community center nearby. They will usually have events for women.
try going to a gay/lesbian bar......if i had a girl right now we would probably help you.Where can my partner and I find other female couples for friends?
If you're near a big city, check and see if there is an LGBT community center nearby. They will usually have events for women.
Do gay people have the same rights as hetrosexual couples?
Not even close. Even with extensive paperwork, a hospital can still deny a homosexual's partner from seeing them. All a hetero person has to say is ';I'm their wife/husband'; and no questions are asked. No request for a marriage license, nothing.
I said ';I do'; and I came into a whole LOAD of rights...right then and there. Gay people don't have that.
And it's a shame.Do gay people have the same rights as hetrosexual couples?
Not if they don't have the right to marry.pimple
I said ';I do'; and I came into a whole LOAD of rights...right then and there. Gay people don't have that.
And it's a shame.Do gay people have the same rights as hetrosexual couples?
Not if they don't have the right to marry.
How can i get away with a couple of streaks of a lighter shade of brown?
At my school we are NOT aloud to have any colour in our hair, i was wondering how i could get away with having some small streaks that of a lighter shade of brown? My hair is an average brown colour. Any home ideas i could use?How can i get away with a couple of streaks of a lighter shade of brown?
You could consider hair extentions (just 2'; clip-ins) so you could take them out if you get in trouble and just pop the back in =)How can i get away with a couple of streaks of a lighter shade of brown?
lol why cant you highlight your hair?
wow that sucks that you cant...but anyways if you did it close to your hair color, they could pass as natural
You could consider hair extentions (just 2'; clip-ins) so you could take them out if you get in trouble and just pop the back in =)How can i get away with a couple of streaks of a lighter shade of brown?
lol why cant you highlight your hair?
wow that sucks that you cant...but anyways if you did it close to your hair color, they could pass as natural
How could a PITTSBURGH couple become a pornstar COUPLE?
Are there any auditions or agencies or anything for new adult film stars?
We want to work only as a couple.
In the Pittsburgh area only.How could a PITTSBURGH couple become a pornstar COUPLE?
Just get yourself a video camera and start off with a website.
From there, who knows how your endeavor will florish.
There many couples doing this already.
Try and Wiki 'Wifey'....her and her husband have made quite a bit of money from this...
We want to work only as a couple.
In the Pittsburgh area only.How could a PITTSBURGH couple become a pornstar COUPLE?
Just get yourself a video camera and start off with a website.
From there, who knows how your endeavor will florish.
There many couples doing this already.
Try and Wiki 'Wifey'....her and her husband have made quite a bit of money from this...
Do most couples stay together after having kids?
and is it too late for Me and my boyfriend to get married after 5 years?Do most couples stay together after having kids?
That makes no sense. I won't even answerDo most couples stay together after having kids?
I don't know the stats of marital longevity of couples with kids vs no kids. I'm sure there are stats out there if you just Googled it.
I do know that self-reported marital satisfaction goes down once baby is born, and down again for each subsequent child. That probably applies to non-married relationships, too. The biggest reasons are more stress, more demands on time, more financial pressures, traditional roles sometimes being forced on individuals who wanted equality... but the big one is lack of constructive communication (which solves all of the above).
Marriage provides more stability for a family without a doubt, but there's no point in marrying if you're planning to leave anyway. If you want to leave, it's way cheaper and easier to break up rather than divorce. I'm not championing unmarried cohabitation and parenthood... just stating a fact.
Here's another fact... you and your boyfriend CHOSE to bring these innocent little children into this world. Therefore, you have a responsibility to them. They will be happier being raised by parents who are committed and love each other, and can teach them how to work through problems. You OWE it to your children to at least TRY to make your family work. And try really, really hard. Divorce is a last resort.
I knew a couple who got married after living together for 11 years, so no, it's never too late. As for staying together after having children, no, that's ridiculous. There might be a handful of couples in bad relationships that stay together for the children, but people started to wake up to the fact that that's a bad idea decades ago.
What difference does it make what most couples do? You are the one in your relationship, you are the one who knows what you want.
The fact that you have children together, a mistake, but I don't have to tell you that, is not the end all. Staying together, fighting, arguing, bitching at each other in front of the kids will not make them feel any more secure. What they need most is to feel loved, and you can give them that with him or without.
You want to try to make it work, then work on it, but you better make sure he wants the same thing. I'm guessing from his point of view, that you were a hottie, who let him do things to you. Then along came the kids, and now he feels trapped into something he wasn't ready for. Responsibility, parenting, keeping a secure job, and providing for his chidlren.
You have to do what is right for you, and how you feel, then be extra strong for your children.
no, because most men don't want to take care of the kids.
its not too late for you to get married, it is the perfect time in fact.
you don't have to be with him for the kids, ya can break up or get divorced and you or him can take custody. if you take custody and he wants the kids, you have to say that its ok and if you don't and he takes them anyway, he has to go to jail. he still has to pay child support.
you don't have to go through a horrible life because of kids.
some men will marry you if you are a single parent with kids.
Just know that marriage WILL change everything. My advice is don't do it. If your asking questions now, you're already off to a shaky start.
Getting married will not fix your problems. If anything, it will complicate things even more. Don't do it.
Yes, most do. Some do not.
It's not too late if that is your wish.
yes they stay married and go for it
That makes no sense. I won't even answerDo most couples stay together after having kids?
I don't know the stats of marital longevity of couples with kids vs no kids. I'm sure there are stats out there if you just Googled it.
I do know that self-reported marital satisfaction goes down once baby is born, and down again for each subsequent child. That probably applies to non-married relationships, too. The biggest reasons are more stress, more demands on time, more financial pressures, traditional roles sometimes being forced on individuals who wanted equality... but the big one is lack of constructive communication (which solves all of the above).
Marriage provides more stability for a family without a doubt, but there's no point in marrying if you're planning to leave anyway. If you want to leave, it's way cheaper and easier to break up rather than divorce. I'm not championing unmarried cohabitation and parenthood... just stating a fact.
Here's another fact... you and your boyfriend CHOSE to bring these innocent little children into this world. Therefore, you have a responsibility to them. They will be happier being raised by parents who are committed and love each other, and can teach them how to work through problems. You OWE it to your children to at least TRY to make your family work. And try really, really hard. Divorce is a last resort.
I knew a couple who got married after living together for 11 years, so no, it's never too late. As for staying together after having children, no, that's ridiculous. There might be a handful of couples in bad relationships that stay together for the children, but people started to wake up to the fact that that's a bad idea decades ago.
What difference does it make what most couples do? You are the one in your relationship, you are the one who knows what you want.
The fact that you have children together, a mistake, but I don't have to tell you that, is not the end all. Staying together, fighting, arguing, bitching at each other in front of the kids will not make them feel any more secure. What they need most is to feel loved, and you can give them that with him or without.
You want to try to make it work, then work on it, but you better make sure he wants the same thing. I'm guessing from his point of view, that you were a hottie, who let him do things to you. Then along came the kids, and now he feels trapped into something he wasn't ready for. Responsibility, parenting, keeping a secure job, and providing for his chidlren.
You have to do what is right for you, and how you feel, then be extra strong for your children.
no, because most men don't want to take care of the kids.
its not too late for you to get married, it is the perfect time in fact.
you don't have to be with him for the kids, ya can break up or get divorced and you or him can take custody. if you take custody and he wants the kids, you have to say that its ok and if you don't and he takes them anyway, he has to go to jail. he still has to pay child support.
you don't have to go through a horrible life because of kids.
some men will marry you if you are a single parent with kids.
Just know that marriage WILL change everything. My advice is don't do it. If your asking questions now, you're already off to a shaky start.
Getting married will not fix your problems. If anything, it will complicate things even more. Don't do it.
Yes, most do. Some do not.
It's not too late if that is your wish.
yes they stay married and go for it
Where is the best place to go for a couples first New Years Eve celebration together?
My home: Washington D.C.! Or any major city like NYC, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Los Angeles, etc because something will definitely be poppin' off in one of those.Where is the best place to go for a couples first New Years Eve celebration together?
Clubs.. Partying!! Havin fun.. or if you are classic then a very romatic dinner out ;)
P.S.: Dun think about anythin serious its just your FIRST New Years EveWhere is the best place to go for a couples first New Years Eve celebration together?
drive to a place and watch the fire works and make out. yah! that sounds nice i think i mite do that 4 thids year
To a cheap hotel and Fcuk each other's brain's out at the stroke of midnight!
Everywhere but Times Square
Clubs.. Partying!! Havin fun.. or if you are classic then a very romatic dinner out ;)
P.S.: Dun think about anythin serious its just your FIRST New Years EveWhere is the best place to go for a couples first New Years Eve celebration together?
drive to a place and watch the fire works and make out. yah! that sounds nice i think i mite do that 4 thids year
To a cheap hotel and Fcuk each other's brain's out at the stroke of midnight!
Everywhere but Times Square
Why do couples break up?
Why don't they break down?Why do couples break up?
many reasons my friend.....many many many.Why do couples break up?
when they break up they also break down sometimes
Dating is competitive, just like everything else in life
because there bored of each other so they break up in to bits then one of them picks the bits up and moves on.
they have problems within the relationship.
what are u talking about are u on drugs??
recovery is always possible!!!!
Cause the women are tired of 1minute men
';break down';, as in what? die, collapse, cry...
Break up, break down, same thing
I think they should break off
*ba dum bum*
they break away
couples break up cause of two main thing-sex and money!
they break up after they have a breakdown. so both!
mmmmm makes ya think...
that was so funny i forgot to slap you
many reasons my friend.....many many many.Why do couples break up?
when they break up they also break down sometimes
Dating is competitive, just like everything else in life
because there bored of each other so they break up in to bits then one of them picks the bits up and moves on.
they have problems within the relationship.
what are u talking about are u on drugs??
recovery is always possible!!!!
Cause the women are tired of 1minute men
';break down';, as in what? die, collapse, cry...
Break up, break down, same thing
I think they should break off
*ba dum bum*
they break away
couples break up cause of two main thing-sex and money!
they break up after they have a breakdown. so both!
mmmmm makes ya think...
that was so funny i forgot to slap you
Happily married couples. Are you and your spouse on the same page with each other?
ThanksHappily married couples. Are you and your spouse on the same page with each other?
Yes we are and still so much in loveHappily married couples. Are you and your spouse on the same page with each other?
In the important things that affect our lives we're always on the same page. It's not that our thought patterns are identical - they are not - but it seems we have enough confidence in one another to trust each other to take the lead in making certain decisions. We never argue about money, for example; not because we want to spend money on exactly the same things (we don't), but because I trust that when he makes a purchase he considers necessary or important, he is being responsible, and wouldn't have made this purchase if it was unwise to do so. Iit works the other way around, too: he doesn't question my judgment, as he knows that my judgment is good.
This is not to say we don't have differences in the way we see the world - we do; some aspects of our personalities are different (he is a little less social than me, I'm a little less flexible than him, etc.) But somehow we're always able to come up with a solution that suits both of us. We have very few disagreements.
On most things yes, on some, no.
On raising our kids, paying our bills, house work, ideas about future yes,
about politics we are on opposite sides, I am a libertarian and she is a liberal democrat. I am very aware of the excesses of government and how it effects our budget, she continues to think government is the only way to ';help poor people..';
During election years things can get pretty tense. Frankly my concerns about current direction of our country is something I will not discuss with her other then in passing about the debt it is creating for our kids.
Yeah most the time but when we are we find a way to talk it out and get though it. We are on the same page at least 98% of the time. Its very rare to not be.
we're opposite pages of each other, so when we close the book, we get squeezed against each other.
When we are happily married, most of the time, we are on the same page. I hate that phrase ';happily married'; because no one is ALWAYS happy.
Of course. That is what makes a happily married couple. You must always communicate to make sure you stay on the same page.
Brunette wifes husband who the hell are you lol.
And who said we have never had 1 cross word with each other?
I never did thats for sure.
Now? Yes.
Before? No.
It is lovely to be on the same page....
page schmage... as long as we are on the same book, its all good! Theres a happy ending for each of us.
Been on the same page since day one...
Mostly. And if we aren't we talk it over like mature, rational people until I agree to bend to what she wants.
And when we're not, we talk it out and find a page we can both be on..
Sure are. Your welcome.
sure are
most of the time, and if not we talk about it and compromisepimple
Yes we are and still so much in loveHappily married couples. Are you and your spouse on the same page with each other?
In the important things that affect our lives we're always on the same page. It's not that our thought patterns are identical - they are not - but it seems we have enough confidence in one another to trust each other to take the lead in making certain decisions. We never argue about money, for example; not because we want to spend money on exactly the same things (we don't), but because I trust that when he makes a purchase he considers necessary or important, he is being responsible, and wouldn't have made this purchase if it was unwise to do so. Iit works the other way around, too: he doesn't question my judgment, as he knows that my judgment is good.
This is not to say we don't have differences in the way we see the world - we do; some aspects of our personalities are different (he is a little less social than me, I'm a little less flexible than him, etc.) But somehow we're always able to come up with a solution that suits both of us. We have very few disagreements.
On most things yes, on some, no.
On raising our kids, paying our bills, house work, ideas about future yes,
about politics we are on opposite sides, I am a libertarian and she is a liberal democrat. I am very aware of the excesses of government and how it effects our budget, she continues to think government is the only way to ';help poor people..';
During election years things can get pretty tense. Frankly my concerns about current direction of our country is something I will not discuss with her other then in passing about the debt it is creating for our kids.
Yeah most the time but when we are we find a way to talk it out and get though it. We are on the same page at least 98% of the time. Its very rare to not be.
we're opposite pages of each other, so when we close the book, we get squeezed against each other.
When we are happily married, most of the time, we are on the same page. I hate that phrase ';happily married'; because no one is ALWAYS happy.
Of course. That is what makes a happily married couple. You must always communicate to make sure you stay on the same page.
Brunette wifes husband who the hell are you lol.
And who said we have never had 1 cross word with each other?
I never did thats for sure.
Now? Yes.
Before? No.
It is lovely to be on the same page....
page schmage... as long as we are on the same book, its all good! Theres a happy ending for each of us.
Been on the same page since day one...
Mostly. And if we aren't we talk it over like mature, rational people until I agree to bend to what she wants.
And when we're not, we talk it out and find a page we can both be on..
Sure are. Your welcome.
sure are
most of the time, and if not we talk about it and compromise
Are lesbian couples allowed to adopt?
That is what me and my fiance are planning on doing.. if so, where can we?Are lesbian couples allowed to adopt?
I am not sure of as a couple it may go from state to state. But I do know that you can adopt single. LOOK how many times rosie did it. and Jolie is adopting from africa single because they won't let her and brad because they are not married. I would start my research at the court house. or an adoption ajency. And I would like to ad my own oppinion if you don't mind. I think open adoption is the best adoption. there are no lies to the child.Are lesbian couples allowed to adopt?
Yes you can. You just have to go and apply. I have a friend who is single and gay and he got to adopt.
Yes! If Rosie can do it so can you!
You can.......but I don't know where, sorry
I don't know of any place in the US where they can. There are still too many religious people in politics.
I know you can't in Florida. I know this because that's where I want to live, and I can't have a biological child. Sorry, done whining. Most places in the US. Good luck, dear!
Hmmm... California, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, probably Massachusetts, try the more liberal states.
Unfortunately for us, there are few options.
Yes they are, they have the same rights as everybody else and besides you don't have to be straight just to adopt a child.
there are all sorts of animal shelters that are looking for loving couples to adopt - try one.
I am not sure of as a couple it may go from state to state. But I do know that you can adopt single. LOOK how many times rosie did it. and Jolie is adopting from africa single because they won't let her and brad because they are not married. I would start my research at the court house. or an adoption ajency. And I would like to ad my own oppinion if you don't mind. I think open adoption is the best adoption. there are no lies to the child.Are lesbian couples allowed to adopt?
Yes you can. You just have to go and apply. I have a friend who is single and gay and he got to adopt.
Yes! If Rosie can do it so can you!
You can.......but I don't know where, sorry
I don't know of any place in the US where they can. There are still too many religious people in politics.
I know you can't in Florida. I know this because that's where I want to live, and I can't have a biological child. Sorry, done whining. Most places in the US. Good luck, dear!
Hmmm... California, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, probably Massachusetts, try the more liberal states.
Unfortunately for us, there are few options.
Yes they are, they have the same rights as everybody else and besides you don't have to be straight just to adopt a child.
there are all sorts of animal shelters that are looking for loving couples to adopt - try one.
Who do you think are going to be the couples at the end of Pure In Heart?
It's a KBS drama called Pure In Heart.
Who do you think will get together in the end?Who do you think are going to be the couples at the end of Pure In Heart?
I've never heard of this show.... but its a drama.... so its scripted... so it could be anyone.... not to obviousWho do you think are going to be the couples at the end of Pure In Heart?
ive actually seen it its really good.
su jiouk (sp?)is cute
Who do you think will get together in the end?Who do you think are going to be the couples at the end of Pure In Heart?
I've never heard of this show.... but its a drama.... so its scripted... so it could be anyone.... not to obviousWho do you think are going to be the couples at the end of Pure In Heart?
ive actually seen it its really good.
su jiouk (sp?)is cute
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How many couples who have biracial babies came out looking more white than black?
I'm white and my husband is Filipino. My son looks NOTHING like me. His skin is darker than mine (which isn't hard since I'm a fair-skinned red head!) but MUCH lighter than his father's. He has almond shaped eyes and many of his father's features. I've even had people ask if he's adopted.How many couples who have biracial babies came out looking more white than black?
they all look black, a light skin black baby is still black.How many couples who have biracial babies came out looking more white than black?
I have a friend whose bi-raciaal children started out so light skinned and then darken up as they grew older.
does it matter??
My son is a pretty even mix of our complexions. His hair started out straight, and curled around 4mo. My hubby is from Louisianna and his grandmother is half white.
I worked with a woman, her skin was prob. the darkest I've seen. Her husband was white. Her baby was pale as paste! He eventually got a little more color, but it took a while.
My neice %26amp; nephew were very light when they were born, but are getting darker. They are so beautiful!
well i have 3 biracial the last one is due in april and both the other two came out light skinned but with dark eyes and hair...really depends on how white you are and how dark the father is...i do have to say though my kids look like their father more then me.but i do have a aunt that had 3 biracial children and two of them are very dark skinned and the other one came out with blonde curly hair and blue eyes...i also have a friend that this happened to too...
i have a friend who is mexican, her hubby is white, their son doesnt look like he has an ounce of mexican in him, his skin is pale white, blue eyes and blonde hair.
My 4.5 year old has had a best friend most of her life who is biracial and used to be as fair and blond as she is. He's gotten a little darker and his hair is now light brown but you still wouldn't guess he wasn't totally caucasian if you didn't see him with his mom and dad.
On the other hand, I used to work with a very fair-skinned white woman whose husband was from Africa. Their son looked just like her in terms of facial features but had totally black skin and hair.
Good looking kids - both of them.
its just the genentics of it. The mix of black and white is going to come out lighter than the darker of the couple unless the ';darker'; is light skinned or mixed themselves then the baby may appear similar.
I recently had a little girl, now 10 months old. She was born looking very white. I was shock in the delivery room and thought that maybe they have switched the child. Now she looks like a very light-skinned Hispanic/white baby. Her father is the white gene. When he is with her its obvious she belongs to him but when she is with me, people mistake me for the Nanny or baby-sitter.
I have 2 biracial children and one on the way,neither of them look more white then black and vice versa..they look just like biracial children look like,tan,brown eyes,brown hair and beautiful!
My best friends little boy is mixed. When he was born he was so white looking, and we were all like what?, because we knew that the father was black. But her doctor said it was normal, that it just takes time for their color to come in. Weird, but now he is mediumly dark, you can definitely tell that he's mixed now, and totally cute!
they all look black, a light skin black baby is still black.How many couples who have biracial babies came out looking more white than black?
I have a friend whose bi-raciaal children started out so light skinned and then darken up as they grew older.
does it matter??
My son is a pretty even mix of our complexions. His hair started out straight, and curled around 4mo. My hubby is from Louisianna and his grandmother is half white.
I worked with a woman, her skin was prob. the darkest I've seen. Her husband was white. Her baby was pale as paste! He eventually got a little more color, but it took a while.
My neice %26amp; nephew were very light when they were born, but are getting darker. They are so beautiful!
well i have 3 biracial the last one is due in april and both the other two came out light skinned but with dark eyes and hair...really depends on how white you are and how dark the father is...i do have to say though my kids look like their father more then me.but i do have a aunt that had 3 biracial children and two of them are very dark skinned and the other one came out with blonde curly hair and blue eyes...i also have a friend that this happened to too...
i have a friend who is mexican, her hubby is white, their son doesnt look like he has an ounce of mexican in him, his skin is pale white, blue eyes and blonde hair.
My 4.5 year old has had a best friend most of her life who is biracial and used to be as fair and blond as she is. He's gotten a little darker and his hair is now light brown but you still wouldn't guess he wasn't totally caucasian if you didn't see him with his mom and dad.
On the other hand, I used to work with a very fair-skinned white woman whose husband was from Africa. Their son looked just like her in terms of facial features but had totally black skin and hair.
Good looking kids - both of them.
its just the genentics of it. The mix of black and white is going to come out lighter than the darker of the couple unless the ';darker'; is light skinned or mixed themselves then the baby may appear similar.
I recently had a little girl, now 10 months old. She was born looking very white. I was shock in the delivery room and thought that maybe they have switched the child. Now she looks like a very light-skinned Hispanic/white baby. Her father is the white gene. When he is with her its obvious she belongs to him but when she is with me, people mistake me for the Nanny or baby-sitter.
I have 2 biracial children and one on the way,neither of them look more white then black and vice versa..they look just like biracial children look like,tan,brown eyes,brown hair and beautiful!
My best friends little boy is mixed. When he was born he was so white looking, and we were all like what?, because we knew that the father was black. But her doctor said it was normal, that it just takes time for their color to come in. Weird, but now he is mediumly dark, you can definitely tell that he's mixed now, and totally cute!
Can lesbian couples in the sims 3 get pregnant?
I actually tried.
They can adopt though.Can lesbian couples in the sims 3 get pregnant?
You can make real lesbian couples? Like they even sleep together and everything? Cool.Can lesbian couples in the sims 3 get pregnant?
Just like in real life, it takes sperm too. You can get a ';donor'; and deal with the jealousy or you can adopt.
LOL! I have no idea
lawl if they have an affair and whoohoo then probably :D
yes u can actually, but you have to get a mod for it!
I actually tried.
They can adopt though.Can lesbian couples in the sims 3 get pregnant?
You can make real lesbian couples? Like they even sleep together and everything? Cool.Can lesbian couples in the sims 3 get pregnant?
Just like in real life, it takes sperm too. You can get a ';donor'; and deal with the jealousy or you can adopt.
LOL! I have no idea
lawl if they have an affair and whoohoo then probably :D
yes u can actually, but you have to get a mod for it!
Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
Yes...although I'm thinking this wasn't the place to ask this question...unless you're looking for a fight. You will invariably get rude and hateful answers. Since you don't have any history, it's impossible for me to guage if you asked this to see others' views on the subject or if you are gay and wanting to marry.
I am a strong advocate for gay marriage. I'm straight myself, but I have quite a few gay friends and I like to think of myself as somewhat liberal. Who are we to define who should and should not get married? Granted, anything within a family is sick and wrong (although I'm sure there are some people out there that will beg to differ with me - but I've seen in places that the result of children from incestuous relationships often have severe abnormalities)...and I agree with NoMorLuv that anything involving animals (beastiality) is also wrong. They can not speak for themselves. Multiple partners, not okay either.
That remains simple. Set a law establishing that a marriage is a union between 2 persons - be it a man and a woman, 2 men or 2 women. That's it. 1 union per 2 people, not related by blood. There ya go. Solves that. Why can't 2 guys get married in most states? Why can't 2 women? Why does it matter?
I'll tell you why - because you have the religious types (nope, not quite sure where my faith lies) that say that it is wrong in the Bible. I thought God was supposed to love you no matter what? No matter what your sexual orientation? I've seen people post here that if you repent for your sins (ie homosexuality - I saw it on a post concerning lesbians going to hell) that God will forgive you. Why should you have to repent for loving someone of the same sex? That implies that it's wrong, when it's not. So what if you're the same sex? As long as you love each other, that's what's important.
In my mind, I think that a marriage should be just as stated above. It's a commitment to love and honor your spouse, no matter what. I have a very close friend at work (he lives in Massachusetts - where gay marriage is legal) who is married to another man and he can't be happier! And you know what, I can't be happier for him!
People say that by allowing gays to marry, it will destroy the sanctity of marriage. Will not. Like said, it shouldn't matter as long as there is love and commitment there!
Plus, there's the whole children thing. Just because Mary has 2 moms (or 2 dads) doesn't mean that she will grow up to be a lesbian. It's more important to show a loving relationship than the sex of the parents. Homosexuality is not something that is induced by surroundings or peers, it's just something that happens. Nor is it an abbhoration, as I've also seen people post here. Damn people and their closed minds. It's actually been seen in young children, sometimes they just don't know it yet. I believe it's something that is just predetermined...a lot of gay people (mostly men) that I've talked to said they always knew. Actually, my married friend was married to a woman once...he thought he might change! (I saw that here too...someone said with enough of the right counselling they can ';become'; straight!) So it really doesn't matter who your parents are, as long as they're happy.
Besides, why should they be denied the benefits of being married just because they're not man/woman? Gay people need health insurance too! (No smart comments, future posters, please!) Life insurance? Then again, some plans might let you place a sibling or what not as a beneficiary. There's the tax break (although that's not as big of a reason but it is still a reason)...
So all that being said...YES.
PS - Thanks for the clarification. I'm all for it. If you don't live in a state where gay marriage is legal yet, lobby for it! Or perhaps move to one where it is. :D But you shouldn't have to move. You should be able to be happy with your significant other WHEREVER THE HELL YOU PLEASE! :)Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
Marriage was a religious cerimony recognizing the union of man and woman who are commited to a life together. It was later recognized by governments. BUT it's foundation is religious. THUS the anger over the perversion of the sacrament.
Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
I personally have no issue if 2 people of the same sex wish to live together, and act as a family but calling the act by it's religious title with out honoring the heart of the sacrament I do have a problem with. call it what you will BUT It's not a marriage.
Heck Yes!!! I think we/they should! If America wants to live up to what they say, ';Land of the Free and Home of the Brave,'; yata yata yata....They should allow it then. I mean if we're free then they would let 2 ';humans'; marry. I mean the whole age thing should stay the same or get a bit older in some places but, still. I know we have it better here than in some places but come on! And if we're brave then we dont show it, i mean its pretty ';woosy'; like of them to back dowm and be afraid of a simple understandable question such as that. It's a sexuality just like straight/heterosexual just with a couple of different leters (hetero/homo) it's all the same. Anyway, enough rambling. Later Days!
why not
one person should be allowed to marry another person regardless of sexuality
Marriage is the union between a man and a woman. If we allow that definition to change for anyone, then all will want it. There are many relationships in the world, if you allow one you must allow all. Multiple partners, human and animal, etc. Think of how many laws and regulations would have to be enacted just to cover every situation. K.I.S.S. , keep it simple stupid (not you; just a saying) I have trouble making it clear but I hope you understand my opinion.
Don't fix what ain't broke. Just because a thing is possible or even sounds right, doesn't mean it should be done. Extrapolate what it may lead to, and then ask yourself do we want to go there.
people who don't want you to get married are being stupid it does not efffect our life at all if you and your man decide to get married even though you can not right now i hope you will be able to some day and you do deserve the same rights as everyone else good luck
Yes gay people has the right to marry as well as straight people. I am straight and i think it shouldnt matter who a person is if they are happy and want to marry then i think they should be allowed.
i don't think they should god made a man and a woman for one reason and that is to reproduce and the same sex can not do that. i don't want my children to grow up thinking that it's normal.
I agree 100% that they should! If other people dont like it then look the other way! There not hurting their with their marriage are they?..I no so many gay guys and i really hope laws will change someday soon because i would love to see them get married!..A marriage simply put is between two people who LOVE each other...At least in my eyes...Forget the techniqalities ..If two PEOPLE (discluding Animals %26amp; objects...) But if two PEOPLE love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together then we should let them! Why is society so against this?...Well i dont have the answer for that but i hope this country will change things around someday and allow any two people to get married if they really love each
I'm more an advocate of civil unions for the purposes of the rights and roles of what is recognized by the state %26amp; federal governments along with insurance rights during and after life. I also think that unwanted children would be better off in a home with loving people regardless of sexual orientation.
So, for the most part, that is married. If GOD truley thinks it is wrong...then we should not be the judge of that...it will be judged as we all will be.
I am a strong advocate for gay marriage. I'm straight myself, but I have quite a few gay friends and I like to think of myself as somewhat liberal. Who are we to define who should and should not get married? Granted, anything within a family is sick and wrong (although I'm sure there are some people out there that will beg to differ with me - but I've seen in places that the result of children from incestuous relationships often have severe abnormalities)...and I agree with NoMorLuv that anything involving animals (beastiality) is also wrong. They can not speak for themselves. Multiple partners, not okay either.
That remains simple. Set a law establishing that a marriage is a union between 2 persons - be it a man and a woman, 2 men or 2 women. That's it. 1 union per 2 people, not related by blood. There ya go. Solves that. Why can't 2 guys get married in most states? Why can't 2 women? Why does it matter?
I'll tell you why - because you have the religious types (nope, not quite sure where my faith lies) that say that it is wrong in the Bible. I thought God was supposed to love you no matter what? No matter what your sexual orientation? I've seen people post here that if you repent for your sins (ie homosexuality - I saw it on a post concerning lesbians going to hell) that God will forgive you. Why should you have to repent for loving someone of the same sex? That implies that it's wrong, when it's not. So what if you're the same sex? As long as you love each other, that's what's important.
In my mind, I think that a marriage should be just as stated above. It's a commitment to love and honor your spouse, no matter what. I have a very close friend at work (he lives in Massachusetts - where gay marriage is legal) who is married to another man and he can't be happier! And you know what, I can't be happier for him!
People say that by allowing gays to marry, it will destroy the sanctity of marriage. Will not. Like said, it shouldn't matter as long as there is love and commitment there!
Plus, there's the whole children thing. Just because Mary has 2 moms (or 2 dads) doesn't mean that she will grow up to be a lesbian. It's more important to show a loving relationship than the sex of the parents. Homosexuality is not something that is induced by surroundings or peers, it's just something that happens. Nor is it an abbhoration, as I've also seen people post here. Damn people and their closed minds. It's actually been seen in young children, sometimes they just don't know it yet. I believe it's something that is just predetermined...a lot of gay people (mostly men) that I've talked to said they always knew. Actually, my married friend was married to a woman once...he thought he might change! (I saw that here too...someone said with enough of the right counselling they can ';become'; straight!) So it really doesn't matter who your parents are, as long as they're happy.
Besides, why should they be denied the benefits of being married just because they're not man/woman? Gay people need health insurance too! (No smart comments, future posters, please!) Life insurance? Then again, some plans might let you place a sibling or what not as a beneficiary. There's the tax break (although that's not as big of a reason but it is still a reason)...
So all that being said...YES.
PS - Thanks for the clarification. I'm all for it. If you don't live in a state where gay marriage is legal yet, lobby for it! Or perhaps move to one where it is. :D But you shouldn't have to move. You should be able to be happy with your significant other WHEREVER THE HELL YOU PLEASE! :)Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
Marriage was a religious cerimony recognizing the union of man and woman who are commited to a life together. It was later recognized by governments. BUT it's foundation is religious. THUS the anger over the perversion of the sacrament.
Report Abuse
Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
I personally have no issue if 2 people of the same sex wish to live together, and act as a family but calling the act by it's religious title with out honoring the heart of the sacrament I do have a problem with. call it what you will BUT It's not a marriage.
Report Abuse
Heck Yes!!! I think we/they should! If America wants to live up to what they say, ';Land of the Free and Home of the Brave,'; yata yata yata....They should allow it then. I mean if we're free then they would let 2 ';humans'; marry. I mean the whole age thing should stay the same or get a bit older in some places but, still. I know we have it better here than in some places but come on! And if we're brave then we dont show it, i mean its pretty ';woosy'; like of them to back dowm and be afraid of a simple understandable question such as that. It's a sexuality just like straight/heterosexual just with a couple of different leters (hetero/homo) it's all the same. Anyway, enough rambling. Later Days!
why not
one person should be allowed to marry another person regardless of sexuality
Marriage is the union between a man and a woman. If we allow that definition to change for anyone, then all will want it. There are many relationships in the world, if you allow one you must allow all. Multiple partners, human and animal, etc. Think of how many laws and regulations would have to be enacted just to cover every situation. K.I.S.S. , keep it simple stupid (not you; just a saying) I have trouble making it clear but I hope you understand my opinion.
Don't fix what ain't broke. Just because a thing is possible or even sounds right, doesn't mean it should be done. Extrapolate what it may lead to, and then ask yourself do we want to go there.
people who don't want you to get married are being stupid it does not efffect our life at all if you and your man decide to get married even though you can not right now i hope you will be able to some day and you do deserve the same rights as everyone else good luck
Yes gay people has the right to marry as well as straight people. I am straight and i think it shouldnt matter who a person is if they are happy and want to marry then i think they should be allowed.
i don't think they should god made a man and a woman for one reason and that is to reproduce and the same sex can not do that. i don't want my children to grow up thinking that it's normal.
I agree 100% that they should! If other people dont like it then look the other way! There not hurting their with their marriage are they?..I no so many gay guys and i really hope laws will change someday soon because i would love to see them get married!..A marriage simply put is between two people who LOVE each other...At least in my eyes...Forget the techniqalities ..If two PEOPLE (discluding Animals %26amp; objects...) But if two PEOPLE love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together then we should let them! Why is society so against this?...Well i dont have the answer for that but i hope this country will change things around someday and allow any two people to get married if they really love each
I'm more an advocate of civil unions for the purposes of the rights and roles of what is recognized by the state %26amp; federal governments along with insurance rights during and after life. I also think that unwanted children would be better off in a home with loving people regardless of sexual orientation.
So, for the most part, that is married. If GOD truley thinks it is wrong...then we should not be the judge of that...it will be judged as we all will be.
Why many couples separated because of sex incompatibility?
The problem is there is no compromise. If a man wants sex everyday and I woman wants it twice a week, they need to meet in the middle. Also, both parties need to have their needs met. Men: be romantic! Leave little notes, try to woo your woman. Women: Make love to your man, ask about him often, etc.Why many couples separated because of sex incompatibility?
yesWhy many couples separated because of sex incompatibility?
sex is very important in a relationship. If one of them can't get their desire fulfill, eventually they will get frustrated and leave. It's not that hard to understand.
because it's just the sex thing that kept them together and not true lovepimple
yesWhy many couples separated because of sex incompatibility?
sex is very important in a relationship. If one of them can't get their desire fulfill, eventually they will get frustrated and leave. It's not that hard to understand.
because it's just the sex thing that kept them together and not true love
Opinions on anal sex. Is this normal for straight couples? :S Idk.?
I haven't gone very far sexually if you couldnt' tell.
I'm wondering, is anal sex normal for straight couples?
Do the average people think it's weird/strange for straight couples, or no?
What do you think of straight couples that have anal sex?
Or is it more for bisexuals.Opinions on anal sex. Is this normal for straight couples? :S Idk.?
Sex is the only truly subjective thing you will experience. Anyway you want it, if you can find someone who will give it to you, you can have it. That being said, if you like anal sex and you find a guy who likes it then enjoy. If you don't like it then don't do it. Is it average or normal? It doesn't matter what EVERYBODY ELSE thinks about it. Lots of people enjoy it and some people use it as a form of contraception. (You can't get pregnant that way.) Anyone with an anus could potentially enjoy anal sex. 50 years ago it might have been thought of as weird but this is the 21st century and most of the rules have changed. Best rule that changed is that people have a lot more power to decide for themselves what is ';normal'; for them. As long and you're not hurting anybody, keeping safe and free from STDs, not getting pregnant by accident, and being emotionally mature enough to deal with everything that goes along with a mature sexual relationship just relax and enjoy.
I'm wondering, is anal sex normal for straight couples?
Do the average people think it's weird/strange for straight couples, or no?
What do you think of straight couples that have anal sex?
Or is it more for bisexuals.Opinions on anal sex. Is this normal for straight couples? :S Idk.?
Sex is the only truly subjective thing you will experience. Anyway you want it, if you can find someone who will give it to you, you can have it. That being said, if you like anal sex and you find a guy who likes it then enjoy. If you don't like it then don't do it. Is it average or normal? It doesn't matter what EVERYBODY ELSE thinks about it. Lots of people enjoy it and some people use it as a form of contraception. (You can't get pregnant that way.) Anyone with an anus could potentially enjoy anal sex. 50 years ago it might have been thought of as weird but this is the 21st century and most of the rules have changed. Best rule that changed is that people have a lot more power to decide for themselves what is ';normal'; for them. As long and you're not hurting anybody, keeping safe and free from STDs, not getting pregnant by accident, and being emotionally mature enough to deal with everything that goes along with a mature sexual relationship just relax and enjoy.
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