Friday, November 25, 2011

Do most couples stay together after having kids?

and is it too late for Me and my boyfriend to get married after 5 years?Do most couples stay together after having kids?
That makes no sense. I won't even answerDo most couples stay together after having kids?
I don't know the stats of marital longevity of couples with kids vs no kids. I'm sure there are stats out there if you just Googled it.

I do know that self-reported marital satisfaction goes down once baby is born, and down again for each subsequent child. That probably applies to non-married relationships, too. The biggest reasons are more stress, more demands on time, more financial pressures, traditional roles sometimes being forced on individuals who wanted equality... but the big one is lack of constructive communication (which solves all of the above).

Marriage provides more stability for a family without a doubt, but there's no point in marrying if you're planning to leave anyway. If you want to leave, it's way cheaper and easier to break up rather than divorce. I'm not championing unmarried cohabitation and parenthood... just stating a fact.

Here's another fact... you and your boyfriend CHOSE to bring these innocent little children into this world. Therefore, you have a responsibility to them. They will be happier being raised by parents who are committed and love each other, and can teach them how to work through problems. You OWE it to your children to at least TRY to make your family work. And try really, really hard. Divorce is a last resort.
I knew a couple who got married after living together for 11 years, so no, it's never too late. As for staying together after having children, no, that's ridiculous. There might be a handful of couples in bad relationships that stay together for the children, but people started to wake up to the fact that that's a bad idea decades ago.
What difference does it make what most couples do? You are the one in your relationship, you are the one who knows what you want.

The fact that you have children together, a mistake, but I don't have to tell you that, is not the end all. Staying together, fighting, arguing, bitching at each other in front of the kids will not make them feel any more secure. What they need most is to feel loved, and you can give them that with him or without.

You want to try to make it work, then work on it, but you better make sure he wants the same thing. I'm guessing from his point of view, that you were a hottie, who let him do things to you. Then along came the kids, and now he feels trapped into something he wasn't ready for. Responsibility, parenting, keeping a secure job, and providing for his chidlren.

You have to do what is right for you, and how you feel, then be extra strong for your children.
no, because most men don't want to take care of the kids.

its not too late for you to get married, it is the perfect time in fact.

you don't have to be with him for the kids, ya can break up or get divorced and you or him can take custody. if you take custody and he wants the kids, you have to say that its ok and if you don't and he takes them anyway, he has to go to jail. he still has to pay child support.

you don't have to go through a horrible life because of kids.

some men will marry you if you are a single parent with kids.
Just know that marriage WILL change everything. My advice is don't do it. If your asking questions now, you're already off to a shaky start.
Getting married will not fix your problems. If anything, it will complicate things even more. Don't do it.
Yes, most do. Some do not.

It's not too late if that is your wish.
yes they stay married and go for it

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