Friday, November 25, 2011

What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?

I read that Catholicism does not condemn homosexuality, but believes that all people should practice celibacy outside of marriage. How do they define celibacy, and what behaviors are allowed, such as dating or non-intimate physical contact?What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?
You are essentially correct. The Catechism of the Catholic church (official teaching ) says THIS:

#2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

#2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

#2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.


So I take this to mean that they are expected to live their lives like any non-married person. They can have genuinely close relationships but should not make them physical, especially sexual.

The Catholic church does not preach that it is a right nor a necessitity that EVERYONE gets married and has sex. You see the Catholic church holds celibacy and chastity as HIGHER callings then normal married life.

Priests don't marry so they can FULLY focus on God and the congregation.

Single, unmarried people are expected to do the same, essentially. Stay celibate and focus on the community and the congregation. Finding how their gifts can best be given in service to the community at large.

This is what I take to mean ';Christian perfection'; - a life of unselfish service, devoted to God.

That is MY interpretation of the Catechism and what I've read on

Non-intimate physical contact is OK. I'm not sure about ';dating'; though, as that would denote an EXCLUSIVE relationship, most likely. It would tempt most people and most likely blurr the line for them, making it even harder then being purely celibate. -- I would imagine.

But every person is different.

Definitely marrying and having a sexual relationship would be bad.

In decades past, the Church THOUGHT that becoming a Priest would reduce or eliminate those feelings within a man. But the church has recently woken up to the fact that the Priesthood and celibacy is hard enough as it is, without bringing homosexual tendencies into it. So that is why, recently, the Church no longer allows homosexuals to become Priests..out of respect for how hard it is to be a Priest and gay at the same time.

They use to think God alone was enough to eliminate those feelings, but now have a more prgamatic approach to it.


Misty0408 pretty much hit the nail on the head. BOTH single heterosexuals, homosexuals, and even married heterosexuals are not suppose to engage in fantasy or masturbation, or any kind of lust.

Married heterosexuals may have sex with their spouse, but that's the main difference. ALL Christians are not suppose to be lustful, so the concept is consistent, if nothing else.

I'm not trying to convet you to the Catholic way of thinking, just trying to do my best as an average Catholic to EXPLAIN the concepts to you.What type of interactions between a homosexual couple are allowed by the Catholic church, if any?
HOMOSEXUALITY - In general, some form of sexual relationship among members of the same sex. From a moral standpoint, three levels are to be distinguished: tendency, attraction, and activity. Homosexual tendencies in any person are within the normal range of human nature, whose fallen condition includes every conceivable kind impulse that with sincere effort and divine grace can be controlled. Sexual attraction for members of the same sex may be partly due to the peculiar make-up of certain individuals or, more often, the result of indiscretion or seduction and presents a graver problem; yet this, too, is not by itself sinful and may in fact be an occasion for great supernatural merit. When the condition is pathological, it requires therapy. Active homosexuality is morally indefensible and has been many times forbidden in revelation and the teaching of the Church. The most extensive declaration on the subject was the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved by Pope Paul VI on November 7, 1975.

CELIBACY - The state of being unmarried and, in Church usage, of one who has never been married. Catholicism distinguishes between lay and ecclesiastical celibacy, and in both cases a person freely chooses for religious reasons to remain celibate.

Lay celibacy was practiced already in the early Church. The men were called ';the continent'; (continentes) and women ';virgins'; (virgines). They were also known as ascetics who were encouraged to follow this form of life by St. Paul. According to the Apostle, ';An unmarried man can devote himself to the Lord's affairs, all he need worry about is pleasing the Lord . . . In the same way an unmarried woman, like a young girl, can devote herself to the Lord's affairs; all she need worry about is being holy in body and spirit'; (I Corinthians 7:32, 34). Throughout history the Church has fostered a celibate life in the lay state. Towering among the means of sanctity available to the laity, declared the Second Vatican Council, ';is that precious gift of divine grace given to some by the Father to devote themselves to God alone more easily with an undivided heart in virginity or celibacy. This perfect continence for love of the kingdom of heaven has always been held in high esteem by the Church as a sign and stimulus of love, and as a singular source of spiritual fertility in the world'; (Constitution on the Church, 42).

Ecclesiastical celibacy was a logical development of Christ's teaching about continence (Matthew 19:10-12). The first beginnings of religious life were seen in the self-imposed practice of celibacy among men and women who wished to devote themselves to a lifetime following Christ in the practice of the evangelical counsels. Celibacy was one of the features of the earliest hermits and a requirement of the first monastic foundations under St. Pachomius (c. 290-346). Over the centuries religious celibacy has been the subject of the Church's frequent legislation. The Second Vatican Council named chastity first among the evangelical counsels to be practiced by religious and said that ';It is a special symbol of heavenly benefits, and for religious it is a most effective means of dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the divine service and the works of the apostolate' (Decree on the Up-to-date Renewal of Religious Life, 12). (Etym. Latin caelibatus, single life, celibacy.)
Celibacy is not having sex. However, I can imagine that holding hands and kissing, say at the sign of peace, would be frowned upon. I believe you are misconstruing what the Church says. The Church doesn't condemn homosexuals, but I think homosexuality has sex between the same sex understood.

misty's got it right.

I have a hard time imagining Losasha is a former nun. What order?
Celibacy includes chastity. Being chaste means not engaging in any sexual activity, or things that can lead to sexual activity. We are all to be chaste, keeping our mind and bodies pure. Jesus says that if you lust in your mind you have committed the act.

Homosexuals are not to engage in sexual activity, masturbation or fantasy. Heterosexuals are not to engage in sexual activity outside of marriage, masturbation, or fantasy about other people other than your spouse.
Celibacy means refraining from sexual contact. It doesn't mean engaging in foreplay with the intention of ';not going all the way';. Two homosexuals could be friends just as an unmarried man and woman could be.
The Catholic Church does indeed condemn acts of homosexuality...the definition of celibacy is ';friendship only';. The church does not condemn the homosexual persons -- just engaging in the acts of it.
Father Flanigan takes little Johnny to summer camp.
a manly handshake and a friendly pat on the backside for scoring a goal
longing glances.
Christians do not advocate any form of abominational activity-----therefore----Catholicism is no exception----

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