Friday, November 25, 2011

If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?

if married and gets a divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring???

what if you are not married, then who gets to keep the engagement ring?If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
I believe 'in the court of law' the man is supposed to get the ring back.

There are many instances where the woman keeps the ring though. Things happen. But LEGALLY, the ring is supposed to go back to the man.

The only way it would be kept by the woman is if it were given as a gift. Like Christmas or birthday, etc. An engagement is not a gift, but rather a symbol of a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. If that commitment is broken....the man gets the ring back..If married couples divorce, who gets to keep the engagement ring?
engagement ring is what he gives you as a symbol of marriage, you marry him its yours. If the marriage didnt go through, he gets it back.

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her of course
she gets to keep the ring. she earned it!
The woman keeps the ring, unless she chooses to throw it back in the guy's face. At which point he can either pick it up and keep it, or he can leave it where it fell....
I've always kept my ring after the divorce.

Now I don't know in the case of breaking it off before you get married, because I always stupidly go the whole way.

But I never ask for what I've given a guy I'd see the guy as cheap scape if he asked for it back.
don't be cheap. the women always keeps the ring. you gave it in a spirit of love,don't get petty and ask for it back. let the cost of it go.
She keeps the rings and does with them what she wants, sell them or keep them for the kids if there are any.

If an engagement is broken, the ring MUST be returned to the man. It was not a gift in the regular sense, but rather a symbol of the promise to get married.
She must give it back.
If you don't get married the person who bought the ring gets it back. I had a friend who went to court over this issue and the judge told her it was like she broke a contract to marry the guy so she needed to pay the penalty for breaking the contract. I think once you are married the woman can keep the ring.
if you divorce, the woman usually keeps the was a gift. if you are engaged and she brakes it off, she should give the ring back. if the man breaks it off, she keeps it if she wants to.
u leave it to the girl unafortunetly srry dude unless she gives it to u
The man should get it back as its symbol of the agreement to marriage. No marriage, no agreement, the man gets the ring back.
The ring is a gift, it belong to the person it was given to, period.
If she has any integrity at all she would give it back. If she doesn't, just more proof that it wasn't meant to be.
If you are marrieed: The woman, and if you call of the wedding, the man. he deserves what he paid for it!!! So girls give up the ring!
stays with whoever can get it first... :D
the ring is a gift - the woman can keep it if she likes.
If an engagement is broken, the ring s to be given back.

If getting divorced, then the woman keeps the ring.
The pawn shop down the road usually ends up keeping the ring.
as a man I would let them keep it the engagement ring is not the deal. It's like the show deal or no deal get your ring she shouldn't want
In the case of divorce, each person is entitled to their own ';personal property'; - including jewlery, clothes, etc.

If you are not yet married, it is up to the girl if she wants to return the ring. If the engagement was called off by the guy, then girl ususally will keep the ring. If the girl ends the engagement, she will most usually return the ring.
in my country the woman returns the engagement ring to the man,and she keeps her wedding band.
if you haven't even proposed yet why are you worried about who gets the ring?
After the marriage, the ring is hers. Before marriage, she gives it back.
If married, I believe the wife keeps it. If not married, it depends on whether it was given as a gift.....for instance, for Christmas or a birthday. If a gift, she keeps it....if not, she should give it back.
the woman should get to keep the ring because it was a gift but alot of times the guy wants the ring back just to be a ***!
If you were only engaged or it was a short marriage, she gives it back.

If you've been married for awhile and there has been a signficant marriage, she keeps it.

I'd say less than five years of marriage, she gives it back.

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