Friday, November 25, 2011

Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?

Yes...although I'm thinking this wasn't the place to ask this question...unless you're looking for a fight. You will invariably get rude and hateful answers. Since you don't have any history, it's impossible for me to guage if you asked this to see others' views on the subject or if you are gay and wanting to marry.

I am a strong advocate for gay marriage. I'm straight myself, but I have quite a few gay friends and I like to think of myself as somewhat liberal. Who are we to define who should and should not get married? Granted, anything within a family is sick and wrong (although I'm sure there are some people out there that will beg to differ with me - but I've seen in places that the result of children from incestuous relationships often have severe abnormalities)...and I agree with NoMorLuv that anything involving animals (beastiality) is also wrong. They can not speak for themselves. Multiple partners, not okay either.

That remains simple. Set a law establishing that a marriage is a union between 2 persons - be it a man and a woman, 2 men or 2 women. That's it. 1 union per 2 people, not related by blood. There ya go. Solves that. Why can't 2 guys get married in most states? Why can't 2 women? Why does it matter?

I'll tell you why - because you have the religious types (nope, not quite sure where my faith lies) that say that it is wrong in the Bible. I thought God was supposed to love you no matter what? No matter what your sexual orientation? I've seen people post here that if you repent for your sins (ie homosexuality - I saw it on a post concerning lesbians going to hell) that God will forgive you. Why should you have to repent for loving someone of the same sex? That implies that it's wrong, when it's not. So what if you're the same sex? As long as you love each other, that's what's important.

In my mind, I think that a marriage should be just as stated above. It's a commitment to love and honor your spouse, no matter what. I have a very close friend at work (he lives in Massachusetts - where gay marriage is legal) who is married to another man and he can't be happier! And you know what, I can't be happier for him!

People say that by allowing gays to marry, it will destroy the sanctity of marriage. Will not. Like said, it shouldn't matter as long as there is love and commitment there!

Plus, there's the whole children thing. Just because Mary has 2 moms (or 2 dads) doesn't mean that she will grow up to be a lesbian. It's more important to show a loving relationship than the sex of the parents. Homosexuality is not something that is induced by surroundings or peers, it's just something that happens. Nor is it an abbhoration, as I've also seen people post here. Damn people and their closed minds. It's actually been seen in young children, sometimes they just don't know it yet. I believe it's something that is just predetermined...a lot of gay people (mostly men) that I've talked to said they always knew. Actually, my married friend was married to a woman once...he thought he might change! (I saw that here too...someone said with enough of the right counselling they can ';become'; straight!) So it really doesn't matter who your parents are, as long as they're happy.

Besides, why should they be denied the benefits of being married just because they're not man/woman? Gay people need health insurance too! (No smart comments, future posters, please!) Life insurance? Then again, some plans might let you place a sibling or what not as a beneficiary. There's the tax break (although that's not as big of a reason but it is still a reason)...

So all that being said...YES.

PS - Thanks for the clarification. I'm all for it. If you don't live in a state where gay marriage is legal yet, lobby for it! Or perhaps move to one where it is. :D But you shouldn't have to move. You should be able to be happy with your significant other WHEREVER THE HELL YOU PLEASE! :)Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
Marriage was a religious cerimony recognizing the union of man and woman who are commited to a life together. It was later recognized by governments. BUT it's foundation is religious. THUS the anger over the perversion of the sacrament.

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Should gay guys be allowed to marry like straight couples?
I personally have no issue if 2 people of the same sex wish to live together, and act as a family but calling the act by it's religious title with out honoring the heart of the sacrament I do have a problem with. call it what you will BUT It's not a marriage.

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Heck Yes!!! I think we/they should! If America wants to live up to what they say, ';Land of the Free and Home of the Brave,'; yata yata yata....They should allow it then. I mean if we're free then they would let 2 ';humans'; marry. I mean the whole age thing should stay the same or get a bit older in some places but, still. I know we have it better here than in some places but come on! And if we're brave then we dont show it, i mean its pretty ';woosy'; like of them to back dowm and be afraid of a simple understandable question such as that. It's a sexuality just like straight/heterosexual just with a couple of different leters (hetero/homo) it's all the same. Anyway, enough rambling. Later Days!
why not

one person should be allowed to marry another person regardless of sexuality
Marriage is the union between a man and a woman. If we allow that definition to change for anyone, then all will want it. There are many relationships in the world, if you allow one you must allow all. Multiple partners, human and animal, etc. Think of how many laws and regulations would have to be enacted just to cover every situation. K.I.S.S. , keep it simple stupid (not you; just a saying) I have trouble making it clear but I hope you understand my opinion.

Don't fix what ain't broke. Just because a thing is possible or even sounds right, doesn't mean it should be done. Extrapolate what it may lead to, and then ask yourself do we want to go there.
people who don't want you to get married are being stupid it does not efffect our life at all if you and your man decide to get married even though you can not right now i hope you will be able to some day and you do deserve the same rights as everyone else good luck
Yes gay people has the right to marry as well as straight people. I am straight and i think it shouldnt matter who a person is if they are happy and want to marry then i think they should be allowed.
i don't think they should god made a man and a woman for one reason and that is to reproduce and the same sex can not do that. i don't want my children to grow up thinking that it's normal.
I agree 100% that they should! If other people dont like it then look the other way! There not hurting their with their marriage are they?..I no so many gay guys and i really hope laws will change someday soon because i would love to see them get married!..A marriage simply put is between two people who LOVE each other...At least in my eyes...Forget the techniqalities ..If two PEOPLE (discluding Animals %26amp; objects...) But if two PEOPLE love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together then we should let them! Why is society so against this?...Well i dont have the answer for that but i hope this country will change things around someday and allow any two people to get married if they really love each
I'm more an advocate of civil unions for the purposes of the rights and roles of what is recognized by the state %26amp; federal governments along with insurance rights during and after life. I also think that unwanted children would be better off in a home with loving people regardless of sexual orientation.

So, for the most part, that is married. If GOD truley thinks it is wrong...then we should not be the judge of will be judged as we all will be.

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