i go like whatever i dont care....as long as they are happy im cool wit itWhat is Your Honest Opinion of Interracial Couples?
Provided they love and are committed to each other - why not ?What is Your Honest Opinion of Interracial Couples?
Honestly, huh? I think they have a great deal of courage. I think they must care very much for one another to risk all the ignorance out here in today's world. I think children of interracial unions tend to be more beautiful than the average. I think the sooner we get over the racial nonsense the better off we'll be as a whole. (I also think that when we all look alike, we -as a species- will find another way to discriminate! WHY do we DO that??!)
i don't mind it one bit.
It's beautiful. Too see unity between races... love goes beyond the skin
The SAME as all the other couples!!!
If you look up history you would see that people have been marrying out of their cultures before America started ! Look at middle eastern and ancient societies.Many South Americans and Latin countries have families of different ethnic make up .I am south American and in my family you find Chinese,German ,Portuguese and Amerindian.And this is going back for generations .Surprise surprise to all those people who have nothing to do but mind other people's business
It doesn't bother me. As long as they are happy with each other and love each other, then why should race matter. Besides, it is nobody business who people decide to date or not date. We are all apart of the human race. A man is a man and a woman is a woman regardless of their race, it just a personal preference. We are all mixed with something. Besides, interracial dating is becoming the norm is big cities and towns.
As long as two people are happy together, who is anyone else to question their relationship? I am married to a Greek and I am British, a few people have a problem with it (mainly older Greek people) but we don't let it bother us, they apparently have nothing else going on in their lives so they talk about us, sad!!!!
my honest opinion is its their life and no one should care who that person choose to be with, as long as they are being treated right that is what counts. don't matter to me one bit.
This is a very interesting question...I would think that most people would say they do not care and nor should they. Having said that although I believe that each person chooses his or path in life including their partner I think that a person marries outside of their race they are opening themselves to scrutiny and will always be looked on with curiousity...
At least i always wonder ';what were they thinking?';.
I don't care about race.
who cares a human is a human no matter what color they are...God dont care so why should anyone else
Fine by me. I don't judge other people, and would hope they don't judge me and my partner (and I'm in a mixed race relationship myself).
i don't really care. maybe that's because my mother is japanese and my father is american.
I don't care, race shouldn't matter
people are people....if you love each other it doesn't matter....
all the power to them
BAY BAY ! should you be allowed on the pc after 8pm !! i mean your only 15 and instead of your ';momma'; filling your head with bullshit she should have taught you how to spell properly !! !
i have`nt got one,,
To me it's normal because my family is made up of many races
I look @ everyone as all human beings, seriously...
It doesn't matter...
Mixed race babies (black and white) are soooooo cute!!
Apart from that, i am not bothered, they can do what they like.
I'm not being racist, but i find men of my own race more attractive than, say, an Turkish, or Japanese man. But that's just a personal preference, like preferring blond to dark or slim to fat.
However, i am sure there are many people who would be against interracial couples, and this is probably somewhere where people will be honest with their answers, anonymously, so it will be interesting to see other people's thoughts.
If you really love somebody it shouldn't matter what the look like on the outside.
In my opinion people shouldn't be with animals so I am against that 100% as far as a black/white/tan/red/green/purple/ whatever We are all one race of people Humans and in my opinion if it makes you feel good then who am I to say it is wrong? everybody has their preferences don't they
It doesnt bother me as long as they are genuinely in love. And their kids are always so very cute especially between blacks and pinks (there are no white people)
They don't bother me in the slightest and not to be stereotyping but they have some very beautiful children.
Sounds kind of weird, Like it's the opposite of outerracial couples
It mixes the gene pool up nicely. You only have to go to Norwich to see that cousins shouldn't marry.
It is every couple's choice.LOVE RULES.
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