Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do you feel about mixed couples?

I wont share my opinion because I know how it'll be I just am curious to see how many people are for or against. You don't have to make this a ill tempered thing u can just say for or against or not say anything at all, I'll most likely delete this if that does happen.How do you feel about mixed couples?
as in interracial?

AgainstHow do you feel about mixed couples?
for. for. for. for. for.
Its ok, I have no problem with it
Although we ARE all humans, if you're talking about interracial, the bluebirds don't mate with the redbirds, so I think that the human races shouldn't mix either. It's a nature thing to me.

I think it's wrong even though I see very nice looking, smart and level headed people in all races.

I also am not very fond of the fact that I am part American Indian and caucasion (mixed races).
mixed what? races? I have no opinion, not bothered, but it must be hard for each of them because accepting a new culture must be difficult, and raising kids.

Why does your profile pic look like boy george?
i have nothing against mixed couples...

as a korean adoptee that grew up with a caucasian family in a very caucasion community, i didn't have a choice to date other koreans.

however, now living in a very diverse community where i can date koreans of my own ethnicity, i do and prefer it. although, now, i find myself at odds with the fact that i'm dating korean girls but often cannot relate to them due to both language and culture differences.
If other people want to date people who have different colored skin then them, I don't care...its not my business, its theirs...if they are happy...why not. Personally I don't have a problem with it. I'm white, I would date a girl of any color if I liked her and she liked me. I hope that anyone would. We're all human after all!
There's nothing wrong with it. That's not an opinion, it's fact. People are the same inside, and that's what matters.

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