Some people need space when they sleep. I don't like someone sleeping right on top of me. I need air.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
There is a time for cuddling. It's right before bed, but once it's time to get some major sleep; I need my space.
I get hot very easily and I can't sleep if I'm too warm. If someone is right on top of me, I feel like they are breathing down my neck.What do u yhink of married couples sleeping together but not touching each other?
If it happens once a while, then it's ok. But if this is on a regular basis, then they need to refresh their relationship.What do u yhink of married couples sleeping together but not touching each other?
i think its sad
I think there is a problem in the relationship. I was there once and we worked through it. Get to the reason for the hidden animosity.
I don't think it's much of a marriage then. It seems abnormal to have a spouse not touch you in bed.
I'm not sure what youre asking...if you are asking about married couples who dont have sex or cuddle time, then thats a big relationship no-no...its extremely important and necessary to have a physical relationship with your spouse. But if you are asking about just when couples sleep and dont want to snuggle, I have to say that me and my husband are one of those couples. We have a great physical relationship but we just cant sleep if we are too close. I need my space when I sleep and I also get very warm easily. No problem with that, as long as the physical relationship is still good =)
It is boring. I AM in that relationship and touching the wife is verboten! Hands off, pervert!
I think they will have a feeling that something is missing in their lives.
that's okay, but you need some excitement to get the relationship going
sounds so familiar. a boring relationship that shows that the marriage is on the rocks. mine is. slept together for more than a year with no activities at all.
I would think the the marriage has lost its sparkand they are just going through the motions of being married but have no connection.
i think they are now bestfriends not married.
Weird. After 20 years of marriage, my wife and I still sleep in the nude, and are in constant contact in bed. Even if we roll over fanny to fanny, they're touching. We keep each other warm and comfort each other all night. Oh, and a couple times a week, we more than touch! TMI?
1 of them probably just isn't in the mood.
A very stupid thing to do, they should get a divorce and move on with life.
That's crazy, They should get a divorce and find thier truly love.
Cute...if you're talking about my grandparents.
I dont' think it's weird. You like what you like, they like what they like... To each his own... And who are any of you to say they need to divorce. Perhaps they are hot natured.
haha at mara's answer.
what is the point of marrying if your acting like your in junior high?
After 29 years of marriage not to much touching going on but let me tell you that when it was good it was good and plenty we did everything you could possible do as a couple. We have put in many years of good sex and after awhile your body doesn't want to bend or give like it once did. We had a lot of fun along the way and we still do but just not as much as we once did and would still like to.
As far as bodies touching when your in bed i can't sleep if my husbands leg or arm or any part of his body touches me because his body throws off so much heat and is very hot to the touch. With my hot flashes and his body heat it's like an oven in our bed. I turn the ceiling fan on to cool down but then he is freezing and all bundled up and I'm laying there with nothing on and he tells me to turn that dame fan off. So you tell me how to work this one out please?
As long as your 'touching' at other times its OK. Some people like just like to sleep when they to bed, aren't the romantic type and aren't touchy feely.
maybe they are so old thats all they can do is sleep.
I think that it is a boring relationship. I want the sexual excitement t that can make me happy.
Sounds like roommates to me
If by that question you mean that you never have sex, then I think you've got to ask yourself is this the life that you wanted, and are your needs being met? If you want more and aren't getting it, it's a problem. If you've both lost interest in one another, though I think it's sad, I also think that couples do go through this stage. It shouldn't last a long time however- and if you are living essentially as roomates, you might want to seek counseling, because I can't think of a more lonely situation than to live without love with your husband. I'd rather be alone than in a situation where I was so lonely with my partner there right next to me.
Good luck to you both!!!!
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